Race Result Entry - Grisgram/gml-raptor GitHub Wiki

There are two ways to get a random result from Race:

  • You let the RaceController and RaceTable objects do the work for you by placing them in a room and triggering the RaceTable.
  • You invoke race_query(...) manually because you want to modify things in the result or perform more actions on the dropped items.

In the latter case, you will receive an array of race_result_entry struct instances.

The race_result_entry struct

name item name
type objecttype (asset name)
data race data_struct (enabled, chance, ...)
attributes attributes of this item (= data.attributes)
instance dropped instance (or undefined)

All contained objects already exist on the layer and are instantiated.
Their onCreate and onQueryHit events have already been executed.
If no drop was generated, instance contains undefined.

A note on attributes: If the race entry had no attributes, this member contains {} an empty struct and is never undefined.


To avoid confusion about item name and asset name, I want to post a simple example here demonstrating the link between one item line in the json file of a race table and the result struct when this item drops.

If this item

    "EpicWeapon1": {"type": "Thunderstrike", "always": 0, "unique": 1, "enabled": 1, "chance": 1.05,
        "attributes" : { "base_damage": 1250.0, },

drops in a query, the result struct looks like this:

name string "EpicWeapon1"
type string "Thunderstrike"
data struct
{"type": "Thunderstrike", "always": 0, "unique": 1, "enabled": 1, "chance": 1.05, "attributes" : { "base_damage": 1250.0, } }
attributes struct
{ "base_damage": 1250.0, }
instance Thunderstrike(1000036) <- a "living" instance in the room (or undefined)
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