Habarama - Gepardec/Hogarama GitHub Wiki

Habarama is a part of the Hogarama Project responsible for collecting data and controlling gadgets. It uses MQTT to interconnect the Raspberries and Hogajama to collect data from sensors.


You need a internet connected Raspberry. You can find detailed initial RaspberryPi setup HERE.

A sketch how to connect the sensors with the raspberry: RasberryPi wireing

Documentation for all working sensors with Habarama is HERE.

Client set-up

Ansible is used to configure the RaspberryPi and install the client. So for example to install the python client do the following:

  • Modify hosts IPs ans sensor settings in $project-repository/Habarama/ansible/hosts/template_hosts
  • Modify SSH keys in $project-repository/Habarama/ansible/playbooks/raspberry/updateAuthorizedKeys.yml
  • Run:
cd $project-repository/Habarama
ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts/template_hosts/hosts ansible/playbooks/raspberry/setupRaspberry.yml
ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts/template_hosts/hosts ansible/playbooks/client-python/installSensorClientPython.yml
cd $project-repository/Habarama/ansible/playbooks/ansible-logrotate
ansible-playbook -i ../../hosts -e @defaults/main.yml tasks/main.yml
# Use the following command if you only want to update a specific habarama
#ansible-playbook -i ../../hosts -e host=habarama1 -e @defaults/main.yml tasks/main.yml

For more configuration possibilities see Raspberry.