Page Index - GameRevision/GWLP-R GitHub Wiki
272 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the GWLP:Revived Wiki!
- Developers stuff ~
- AllyInviteType
- Animations
- Armor
- ButtonIcon
- Cape
- CapeEmblem
- CapePattern
- CapeShape
- CapeTrim
- ChallengeMission
- ChallengeType
- ColorType
- creating an npc
- CtoGS
- DataWindow
- Dev howto
- dialog packets
- Equipment
- FactionType
- GenericValues
- GStoC
- GuildFaction
- GuildFeatures
- GWLPR World
- Hero
- hstring
- InstanceLoad
- InventoryType
- InviteType
- ItemContext
- ItemFlags
- ItemStat
- ItemStatID
- ItemType
- Maps
- MemberType
- NPCModels
- ObjectFlag
- OldItemFlags
- P001_ComputerInfoReply
- P001_ComputerUser
- P003_StreamTerminator
- P004_AccountLogin
- P009_ReferToGameServer
- P012_HeroUnlocked
- P017_AccountPermissions
- P017_SkillUnlocked
- P020_FriendsListEnd
- P022_AccountGuiInfo
- P022_DestroyAgent
- P028_MovementSpeed
- P033_UpdateAgentPosition
- P036_AgentClass
- P038_HeroAccountName
- P038_SendResponse
- P040_MessageOfTheDay
- P041_CharacterPlayInfo
- P041_PingTarget
- P044_AgentAttributeCreate
- P045_UnusedAttributePts
- P047_SetAttributes
- P050_AgentAllyDestroy
- P051_SkillUpkeepAdd
- P052_PressDialogButton
- P052_SkillUpkeepRemove
- P053_RequestResponse
- P053_SkillEffect
- P054_SkillEffectTimed
- P056_SkillEffectRemove
- P058_ChangeSecondProfession
- P060_DisplayCape
- P061_QuestAddCompass
- P064_QuestDescription
- P066_QuestTapestry
- P068_QuestAdd
- P070_QuestRemove
- P074_NPCGeneral
- P075_NPCModel
- P076_CharacterName
- P080_AgentAttackStatus
- P084_ReplaceSkill
- P086_SwapSkillsOnBar
- P088_CharacterCreateUpdateProfessionAndCampaign
- P089_DisabledHeroSkills
- P091_FlagTeam
- P094_RequestFile
- P095_PostProcessEffect
- P096_DungeonReward
- P097_UpdateAgentWeapons
- P098_UpdateFullAgentEquipment
- P099_UpdateAgentEquipment
- P102_HeroCreate
- P103_HeroUpdate
- P105_HeroDestroy
- P106_HeroDisable
- P107_HeroEnable
- P108_HeroWindow
- P109_HeroModel
- P110_DisplayHelp
- P114_DialogButton
- P116_DialogBody
- P117_DialogSender
- P118_TemporarySkill
- P119_OpenDataWindow
- P120_WindowItems
- P121_WindowItemsEnd
- P122_WindowItemPricesEnd
- P129_MissionMapIconAdd
- P130_CreateNewCharacter
- P130_MissionMapIconRemove
- P131_MissionMapIconColor
- P132_MissionMapIconType
- P135_AgentMinions
- P142_AgentScale
- P143_UpdateNpcName
- P144_UpdateMorale
- P145_AgentExhaustion
- P146_DisplayDialogue
- P147_UpdateGenericValue
- P148_UpdateTargetGenericValue
- P149_PlayEffect
- P150_UpdateGenericModifier
- P151_UpdateTargetGenericModifier
- P153_SpeechBubble
- P154_UpdatePublicProfessions
- P157_PlaySound
- P158_AgentAllyCreate
- P160_AgentSpectate
- P162_AgentChangeModel
- P166_PetCreate
- P167_PetDestroy
- P170_AvailableProfessions
- P171_UpdatePrivProfessions
- P173_AddMissionGoal
- P175_AddMissionObjective
- P184_WindowOwner
- P185_OpenCollectorWindow
- P205_UpdateSkill
- P206_UpdateSkillBar
- P212_WindowSkills
- P213_WindowSkillsEnd
- P214_SkillCancel
- P215_SkillActivated
- P216_SkillActivate
- P217_SkillRecharge
- P218_SkillRecharged
- P221_UpdateFaction
- P222_UpdateMaxKurzickFaction
- P223_UpdateMaxLuxonFaction
- P224_UpdateMaxBalthFaction
- P225_UpdateMaxImperialFaction
- P226_ModifyFaction
- P227_EquipmentDisplayStatus
- P228_UpdateVitalStat
- P229_UpdateVitalStat
- P231_TitleRankData
- P232_TitleRankDisplay
- P234_TitleTrackStatus
- P235_ItemPriceQuote
- P236_AgentAttributeDestroy
- P237_ItemPrices
- P239_VanquishReward
- P240_VanquishProgress
- P241_ReportPlayer
- P246_CinematicStart
- P249_CinematicDataEnd
- P250_CinematicData
- P251_CinematicEnd
- P253_ObjectGeneral
- P256_ObjectDialogButton
- P257_ObjectDialogBody
- P258_ObjectDialogSender
- P260_ManipulateMapObject
- P261_MapObjectColor
- P268_GuildAllyAdd
- P269_GuildAllyRemove
- P270_GuildWindow
- P272_TownAlliance
- P273_FactionLine
- P274_GuildStreamEnd
- P275_GuildMemberType
- P276_GuildQualifierPoints
- P277_GuildHistory
- P278_GuildAllyGeneral
- P279_GuildGeneral
- P280_GuildFaction
- P281_GuildInvite
- P283_GuildRank
- P284_GuildFeatures
- P285_GuildPlayer
- P292_GuildHallMap
- P293_GuildAnnouncement
- P294_GuildRating
- P295_GuildStreamStart
- P301_HandbookOpen
- P302_HandbookEntry
- P303_ItemQuantity
- P304_ItemOwner
- P304_ItemOwner
- P308_ItemLocation
- P309_CreateInventoryPage
- P310_UpdateGoldOnCharacter
- P311_UpdateGoldInStorage
- P314_ItemStreamCreate
- P315_ItemStreamDestroy
- P316_EquipBag
- P317_WeaponBarItem
- P318_UpdateActiveWeaponset
- P319_ItemPageSlots
- P321_MoveItem
- P323_RemoveItem
- P324_UnequipBag
- P325_RemoveGoldFromCharacter
- P328_SwapItems
- P329_MoveBagIntoStorage
- P330_SkillTomeWindow
- P331_ItemSale
- P336_ItemProfession
- P340_ArmorGeneral
- P343_ItemGeneral
- P350_ChestItem
- P368_ColorScreenTextDisplay
- P369_ScreenTextDisplay
- P370_InstanceLoadHead
- P379_CharacterCreateHead
- P380_CharacterCreateAcknowledge
- P388_ChallengeRecordGeneral
- P389_ChallengeRecordsDisplay
- P391_InstanceLoadSpawnPoint
- P395_InstanceLoadDistrictInfo
- P398_ObserverGameGeneral
- P399_ObserverGamesDisplay
- P416_ScreenTextGeneral
- P417_ActiveDistrict
- P419_PartyDisplay
- P428_StatusTextTimer
- P431_PartyToggleHardMode
- P435_PartyAddHero
- P436_PartyRemoveHero
- P437_PartyInviteAdd
- P438_PartyJoinRequestAdd
- P439_PartyInviteCancel
- P444_PartyMemberAdd
- P449_PartyMemberRemove
- P450_PartyMemberReady
- P451_PartyCreate
- P452_PartyMembersEnd
- P453_AlertBox
- P455_InformationChat
- P457_PartyDefeated
- P458_StatusText
- P462_PartySearchGeneral
- P463_PartySearchSeek
- P464_PartySearchRemove
- P465_PartySearchSize
- P466_PartySearchType
- P467_InformationBox
- P468_InfoBox
- P476_TradeInitiate
- Packet Assumptions
- Packet Documentation
- PlayerStatus
- Profession
- SearchType
- StorageType
- StyleGuide
- Territory
- Types
- VitalStats