P279_GuildGeneral - GameRevision/GWLP-R GitHub Wiki




This can be used to display a guild in the guild window and/or apply a cape to player agent(s).


type field description
ushort Header value: 0×0117 (279)
ushort LocalID
byte[ 16 ] GuildHallData this is sent to the server when trying to travel to the guildhall
string GuildName
string GuildTag
GuildFeatures Features
Territory Territory
byte CapeBackgroundColor 1-255
byte CapePatternColor
byte CapeEmblemColor
CapeShape CapeShape
CapePattern CapePattern
CapeEmblem CapeEmblem
CapeTrim CapeTrim
Faction Allegiance
uint AllianceFaction
uint QualifierPoints
uint Rating
uint Rank
byte Data19
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