Prop Layout - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Props layouts are the base of most of features from Write The Signs. All other layouts are composed by a group of props layouts and regular props roughly saying, except Vehicles Layouts, once vehicles don't have props.

Common Attributes

Field Valid values Description
saveName free text The name of the layout. Must be unique in the context (like in the city or in a Library).
propName prop internal name The prop used as base to write the stuff over
availability RoadNodes
Define where this layout can be used
fixedColor color RRGGBB Color to paint the prop. May be overriden in other specific settings
fontName installed font The default font to use in this prop.

Elements textDescriptor

See Text Spot XML section. It can repeat multiple times, each one will become at least one text source in game, depending of their settings.

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