WTS Fonts - GameBurrow/WriteTheSigns GitHub Wiki

Fonts in Write The Signs are the core of the mod. And is pretty easy to add new fonts to WTS system.

Importing new fonts to use in game

The fonts elegible to be used in game must be:

  • True Type Font, standard, non-bitmap: Use online converters to make other font types became ttf fonts.

And that's all. There are no more constraints to make it be imported.

Font Initial Texture Size

This can be configured at mod options menu, at Pause or Main Menu => Options. The default value is 512, but it can cause some black letters glitch when looking closer. In that case, consider to raise the value to 1024 or 2048. Even existing higher value options, isn't recommended to use them without a good reason.

Font Quality

How higher it goes, most precise are the curves of rendered font. But also consumes more space on font texture and probably will force you to use a higher Initial Texture Size value. It's not recommended to go above 150%.

Basic & Special Fonts

Are the defaults fonts that can be used as fallback in a savegame. You can set one for each kind of layout group, plus 3 special fonts, that you can select to use in the Texts Spots.

Note! The Transport Line symbols font will be used also to generate the texts draw inside a city line icon.

General FAQ about fonts

Where to put the font files?

[Game appdata folder]/Klyte45Mods/WriteTheSigns/Fonts folder. There's a button on mod options menu that leads you to there.

How many fonts can be imported at same time?

How many your system RAM can afford. The WTS is made trying to instance the fonts only when them are used, so you can import how many you want and use only some in the game - and only the used will be loaded.

Which is the weight of these written stuff in the game rendering, and about each font used?

Well, each character generates a plane with 2 triangles/4 vertexes. All them are cached at memory, so there's no processing weight every frame. If there are 50'000 characters on screen, 100'000 additional triangles will be drawn - the same of 6 mono-metro-train hubs from Mass Transit DLC. Note that this whole page have less than 3k characters, and spaces and newlines won't be drawn, once they are only spacing data with no render.

About the textures, they are pretty small comparing with other assets. Three fonts being used with the texture render size of 2048x2048 (maximum recommended, in rare cases will go over it) weights as much as an 4 assets in 1024x1024 textures or 16 assets with textures 512x512 (_ACI, _XYS and diffuse). Considering that is the worst case (generally 1024x1024 texture sizes for texts are fine in most languages) it won't weight so much in memory load if you usually uses 400+ workshop assets. More details about texture sizes above.

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