Page Index - CloudCommandos/JohnChan GitHub Wiki
64 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Atom Markdown to PDF
- Azure DevOps Server repository backup
- BaGet Open Source Private Nuget Repository
- Bash Script: Deploy Kubernetes Cluster Using Existing VMs
- Bash Script: KVM Snapshots
- Build Docker Container Image for .NET Libraries
- Ceph Dashboard
- Ceph SSD Cache Pool Setup
- Chef Inspec
- Confluence
- Confluent Kafka & Replicator Demo
- Cronjob that only runs if not already running
- Custom Kafka Forwarder with Fluentd
- Docker Swarm Single Node
- Elasticsearch and Kibana
- Elasticsearch and Kibana (Docker Swarm)
- Email Server in Docker Containers
- Email Server on Raspberry Pi
- Fluentd & Fluentbit
- Fluentd write to Oracle DB
- Getting Ansible tdnf Module to work for Photon OS Targets
- Gitlab CE
- Host Network for Containers running in Docker Swarm
- Implement IP White Listing through K8s Ingress
- Installing Mcafee on CentOS 8
- Istio
- Kafka & MirrorMaker2
- Kafka Stretched Cluster with Photon OS
- Kubectl auto complete
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Add Extra SANS
- Kubernetes Cluster on 4 Ubuntu servers
- Kubernetes HPA
- Kubernetes Kibana Debug
- Kubernetes kubeadm init join Failure
- Kubernetes Memory Issue Due to No Swap
- Kubernetes Networking
- Kubernetes Operator SDK
- Kubernetes Pod to Kube API Server Communication
- Kubernetes Production Cluster
- Kubernetes Production Cluster Hardware Reccomendations
- Kubernetes RBAC
- Kubernetes Security
- MIB frontend backend management server setup
- Nessus
- Nmap
- Notes
- OpenVPN Client on Ubuntu
- Passwordless SSH to vCenter
- Persistent Storage for K8s Deployment with CephFS
- Photon OS iptables
- Private Docker Registry
- Python3 Virtual Environment for Ansible
- Reset Kubernetes
- Sample HAProxy Config
- Set Up Windows10 as Ansible Target Host
- Setup Alpine Standard 3.12.0 as Ansible Target
- Setup Ansible Control Node in Offline Environment
- Sonatype Nexus3 Repository (npm, NuGet, Docker, apt get, ...)
- sshd service could not be started
- Troubleshooting Ansible vmware_guest module
- Verdaccio Private NPM Package Server
- Virtual Clusters