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Installation, Scenario Creation and Model Running

This page provides details on installing the AlaCC model and creating a model scenario for a particular year.

Model Installation and Scenario Creation

Step 1

AlaCC Bi-County Model installation files comes in the following four zipped files/folders:

  • AlaCC_Inputs - this folder holds the input files that are used to create the scenario inputs. There are inputs for four scenario years: 2015, 2020, 2035 and 2050. These files can be used to create a standard scenario for any of these years. Once a scenario is created based on these files, the model can be run as is to get a standard model run. Alternatively, for project analysis, end users can edit the input files based on project conditions, post scenario creation, to perform project specific analysis. The files in this folder are what is typically called as "master" files and are not meant to be edited by end users.
  • AlaCC_Model - This is the AlaCC Bi-County version of the MTC travel model one repository and has all the Cube job scripts, CT-RMAP configuration files, CT-RMAP parameter files and Python/R scripts. The scripts from this folder gets copied into a folder called "CTRAMP" inside scenario folder when a scenario is created.
  • AlaCC_Software - All the software needed to run the AlaCC model, apart from Cube are included in this folder. See the section ComputingEnvironment for details.
  • AlaCC_PopulationSim - This is the population synthesizer used for the AlaCC model.

Population Synthesis is a stand alone piece of software and is not needed for the model run unless the user is changing the synthetic population. So, Population Synthesizer is not described in this section.

After downloading the first three zipped files, unzip them to the same folder (no spaces in the folder path). Ensure that the unzipped contents look like below after unzipping. (CAUTION! Make sure that there are no recursive directories. Sometimes, when you unzip a folder, a sub-directory with the same name is created).

Step 2

  1. The model assumes that Cube Voyager is installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\Citilabs\CubeVoyager). If not, please update the location in the file SetPath.bat (AlaCC_Model\model-files\runtime)
  2. Create a new scenario by running the batch file “createScenario_2015.bat” in the folder AlaCC_Model\model-files. Before running createScenario_2015.bat, make sure to update the locations shown in blue, green and yellow below (SetUpModel_PBA50.bat file). The blue/green highlighted locations are the unzipped folders in step 1. Yellow location is where the scenario will be created. This should take about a minute or less depending on the disk speed.
  1. Separate CreateScenario batch file is provided for each scenario year, for ease. The field COMPUTER_SETTING in the SetUpModel_PBA50.bat batch file can be set at either MED or HIGH. The HIGH setting needs the computer to have at least 64 logical cores. MED needs the computer to have at least 32 logical cores.

Model Running and Post Process

Once the scenario is created, run the model by double clicking the batch file click_to_runmodel.cmd. This batch file is a shortcut to run the following command.

RunModel.bat > RunModel.log 2>&1

To create the core summaries and metrics, the batch file RunPostProcess can be run after a full model run is completed. This batch file can be run by opening a command prompt in the scenario folder and typing the below command.

RunPostProcess.bat > RunPostProcess.bat.log 2>&1