UsersGuide - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki
Installation and Running Model - A quick start guide to model installation and starting a model run
ComputingEnvironment - Description of the hardware and software used by the model
SystemDesign - Description of the manner in which the model utilizes hardware and software
SetupConfiguration - Preparing to execute the model
InputFiles - A list and description of the model's input files
PropertiesFile - Description of the parameters and inputs defined in the file that controls the demand models
RunModel - Steps to execute the model
ModelSchematic - Graphic representation of the model choices and sequence
UtilityExpressionCalculator - The Excel spreadsheets used to define the utility expressions in the choice models
NetworkCoding - Network coding instructions
DataDictionary - Definitions of variables in key files