Roadway Network Coding - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki

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The table below shows typical roadway project types and associated example project cards.

Category Use Case Project Card Creation Instructions Example Project Card
Roadway Property Change When there are any roadway link attribute changes, for example, roadway widening, access restriction, or transit-related roadway treatments. List out the model_link_id for all links with attribute changes, and set the corresponding values in the property section.
Add New Roadway When adding additional roadway to the network, such as roadway extension or interchange reconfiguration. Note that in order to "split a link", you can achieve the same effect by deleting the original link (see Roadway Deletion section below) and adding new node(s) and links using the Add New Roadway project card.
  • Add a new node: Specify model_node_id, X, and Y coordinates of the new node; include other node attributes as needed. Note that X and Y coordinates are in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system.
  • Add a new link: Specify model_link_id, A node, and B node of the new link (where A and B correspond to the model_node_id of the nodes); include other link attributes as needed. Users can also enter 0 in the model_link_id field to allow Network Wrangler to assign a unique link ID automatically.
Roadway Deletion When removing existing roadway links. List out model_link_id for all links to be removed from the network 0_10_4_21-T06-027-FBP_SM_035_Peninsula_101_OnOffRamps.yml
Parallel Managed Lanes When constructing a managed lane (such as HOV, HOT, or express lanes).
  • List out model_link_id for mainline links along the extent of the managed lane project.
  • Specify link attributes for managed lanes in properties starting with ML_ (such as ML_lanes, ML_useclass).
  • Adjust mainline link attributes (i.e., lanes) if there are changes to the mainline. For example, converting one GP lane to a managed lane can be reflected by change: -1 in the lanes attribute.
  • If there is no access/egress restriction, use set: all in the ML_access and ML_egress properties; otherwise, list out the model_node_id for the access/egress nodes.
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