Roadway Network Coding - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki
Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide > NetworkCoding > Roadway Network Coding
The table below shows typical roadway project types and associated example project cards.
Category | Use Case | Project Card Creation Instructions | Example Project Card |
Roadway Property Change | When there are any roadway link attribute changes, for example, roadway widening, access restriction, or transit-related roadway treatments. | List out the model_link_id for all links with attribute changes, and set the corresponding values in the property section. |
Add New Roadway | When adding additional roadway to the network, such as roadway extension or interchange reconfiguration. Note that in order to "split a link", you can achieve the same effect by deleting the original link (see Roadway Deletion section below) and adding new node(s) and links using the Add New Roadway project card. |
Roadway Deletion | When removing existing roadway links. | List out model_link_id for all links to be removed from the network |
0_10_4_21-T06-027-FBP_SM_035_Peninsula_101_OnOffRamps.yml |
Parallel Managed Lanes | When constructing a managed lane (such as HOV, HOT, or express lanes). |
year_2030_us101_ml_north_of_i380_to_sf_sm_countyline.yml |