PopSynHousehold - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki

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Household file from Population Synthesizer

The population synthesizer generates this household file and a person file. Variables below in UPPER CASE are drawn directly from PUMS records; variables in lower case are derived from PUMS variables.

File location: popsyn/hhFile.<year>.csv

Name Definition Scale Join with …
HHID Unique household ID number Integer, any value All model files
TAZ Transportation analysis zone of home location Integer, 1 to 6593 Shape file
HINC Household income Year 2000 dollars
hworkers Household members who work Integer, 0 and up
PERSONS Number of persons in the household Integer, 1 and up
HHT Household/family type Integer
  • 1 - family household: married-couple
  • 2 - family household: male householder, no wife present
  • 3 - family household: female householder, no husband present
  • 4 - non-family household: male householder living alone
  • 5 - non-family household: male householder, not living alone
  • 6 - non-family household female householder, living alone
  • 7 - non-family household: female householder, not living alone
VEHICL Number of vehicles available Integer
  • 1 - one vehicle
  • 2 - two vehicles
  • 3 - three vehicles
  • 4 - four vehicles
  • 5 - five vehicles
  • 6 - six or more vehicles
hinccat1 Household income categorization number 1 Integer
  • 1 - 0 to 20k(-)
  • 2 - 20 to 50k
  • 3 - 50 to 100k
  • 4 - more than 100k
UNITTYPE Housing unit type, from TYPEHUGQ in PUMS Integer
  • 1 - household in housing unit
  • 3 - household in Non-institutional group quarters
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