InputFiles - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki

The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execute the MTC travel model.

File name Purpose Folder Location File type File format
comeplete_network_with_externals.NET Highway network hwy\ Citilabs Cube Highway Network
ZMAST.dbf Travel analysis zone-specific data. Gets copied to the scenario folder as TAZDATA.dbf and later converted to csv format landuse\ DBF TazData
walkAccessBuffers. float.csv Walk access shares landuse\ CSV WalkAccessBuffers
truckFF_II.dat Friction factors for the commercial vehicle distribution models nonres\ ASCII TruckDistribution
port_sg_2015.dbf Special generators for Trucks. nonres\Inputs\calib DBF TruckDistribution
AC10IXXI.DBF Truck trips to external gateway nonres\Inputs\ DBF TruckDistribution
SD2TAZ_KF.PRN Share of trips for each Superdistrict by TAZs landuse\ fixed width text file TruckDistribution
Kfactors_SD.MAT K-Factors from Superdistricts to TAZs nonres\Inputs\Kfactors Matrix TruckDistribution
truckFF_IItm15_.dat Friction factors for the commercial vehicle distribution models for internal-internal trips, contains FF for small, medium and combination trucks nonres\Inputs\Calib ASCII TruckDistribution
truckFF_IEEI.dat Friction factors for the commercial vehicle distribution models for internal-external trips, contains FF for small, medium and combination trucks nonres\Inputs\Calib ASCII TruckDistribution
vstruck.fftm15.dat Friction factors for the commercial vehicle distribution models for very small trucks. Comes from Travel Model 1.5 nonres\Inputs\Calib ASCII TruckDistribution
TAZ2CO.dat Renumbers TAZ trips to County. Used for summarizing truck trips. landuse ASCII TruckDistribution
2015_XX_trips External truck trips from 2015 nonres\ Citilabs Cube TruckDistribution
ixDaily2015.tpp Internal-external fixed trip table nonres\ Citilabs Cube FixedDemand
ixDaily2015_totals.csv Internal-external total trips. Converted to dbf. nonres\ CSV FixedDemand
ixex_config.csv Interregional commercial travel assumptions from Box\Horizon and Plan Bay Area 2050\Futures Planning\Modeling Characteristics\Interregional Volume Assumptions\Interregional Volumes v2.xlsx nonres\ CSV Exit TAZs only
hhFile. YYYY.csv Synthetic population household file created by PopulationSim ( YYYY denotes the forecast year) popsyn\ CSV PopSynHousehold
personFile. YYYY.csv Synthetic population person file created by PopulationSim( YYYY denotes the forecast year) popsyn\ CSV PopSynPerson
IZ_OZ_PCT_EXT.dat MTC TAZ 1454 to Ala-CC BCM 6596 Zone Transformation Key, contains how the percent of trips from the 1454 TAZ system is to be reprojected to the BCM TAZ system. Used in the Nonresident model. landuse\ FixedDemand
transit.lin Year-specific Transit Line file trn\ Transit Network
transit_dummy.lin trnbuild requires that we read in some transit lines, though we're building access links to funnel nodes, so no reading of lines are necessary. a dummy read is entered here to placate trnbuild. trn\ Transit Network
vehtype.pts contains vehicle types, seating capacity, load distribution factor by number for ferry system, BART, bus etc. Used in the script to create transitPrefixToVehicle.csv file trn\ Transit Network
xfare.far contains transfer fares trn\ Transit Network
Various Myriad other transit files used to define the transit network and service trn\ Various Transit Network
tripsXX.tpp Warm start passenger trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\ main Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsIxXX.tpp Warm start internal external trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\ nonres Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsTrkXX.tpp Warm start commercial vehicle trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\ nonres Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsAirPaxXX.tpp Warm start air passenger trip tables (XX is the [TimePeriods]] code) ](/Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc/wiki/warmstart-nonres- -Citilabs-Cube- -[[FixedDemand)
tripsHsrXX****YYYY.tpp Warm start Highspeed rail passenger trip tables (XX is the [TimePeriods]] code, YYYY is the scenario year) ](/Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc/wiki/warmstart-nonres- -Citilabs-Cube- -[[FixedDemand)