Transit Network - Bi-County-AlaCC-Activity-Based-Model/client_actc_ccta_model_doc GitHub Wiki

Transit Network

The transit network is made up of three core components: transit lines, transit modes, and transit fares. The transit lines were built GTFS feeds from around 2015. The lines are coded with a mode and serve a series of stop nodes. Transit fares are coded according to Cube's TrnBUILD program specification. Several input files and scripts are necessary to create the full transit network:

1. Transit Line File

trn/transit.lin (year specific)

The transit lines are specified in a files ending with the extension .lin, organized by transit operator and line-haul mode. A name is assigned to each route based on the operator mode and a description of the route, usually the line number and the direction of the route if necessary. Attributes of the transit lines include runtime, stop node sequence, line-haul mode, and headways by time period (HEADWAY[1-5] which refer to Early AM, AM Peak, Midday, PM Peak, and Evening respectively). The sequence of nodes specify the path of the route, where the node numbers correspond to the nodes in the highway network. Consult the Cube manual for details on the specification of the transit line files. Fields or attributes present for each route in the line file are given below:

Cube Key GTFS Key Details
NAME agency_id + route_id +time_period +direction_id + shape_id Concatenate, separated by an underscore (“_”)
agency_id translated to transit operator integer (see next table for dictionary)
LONGNAME route_long_name
USERA1 agency_id, GTFS file name (when agency_id is missing) Transit operator string
USERA2 Line haul mode See dictionary, crosswalk below
HEADWAY headway_secs / 60 Integer
MODE route_type See dictionary, crosswalk below
FARESYSTEM N/A See dictionary, value is a function of MODE
ONEWAY N/A Should always be set to “T” (for TRUE)
OPERATOR agency_id, GTFS file name Transit operator integer (see next table for dictionary)
SHORTNAME route_short_name
VEHICLETYPE See dictionary, value is a function of MODE. Vehicle types and their corresponding seating capacity are defined in the vehtypes.pts file
N shape_id Travel model node IDs, with a leading “-” (to make the number negative) to indicate a shape point where the bus does not stop
ACCESS pickup_type, dropoff_type
RUNTIME Total travel time from start node to end node, calculated by adding all the NNTIMEs for the rail modes
NNTIME stop_times Calculated from GTFS stop to stop travel time, in minutes

The transit.lin file is converted to a format usable by TRNBUILD by the script (CTRAMP/scripts/preprocess/ This script creates a new unique name (within 10 character limit) for each line, replaces HEADWAY with FREQ, and NNTIME with TIME.

Transit Modes

Line-haul Mode Description
10 - 79 Local bus
80 - 99 Express bus
100 - 109 Ferry service
110 -119 Light rail
120 -129 Heavy rail
130 -139 Commuter rail

The following transit modes are defined based on the Open511 attributes (but not completely, since they came from the GTFS database predecessor, the Regional Transit Database). These modes represent combinations of operators and technology.

TM2_operator agency_name TM2_mode TM2_line_haul_name faresystem
30 AC Transit 84 Express bus 9
30 AC Transit 30 Local bus 9
30 AC Transit 30 Local bus 11
5 ACE Altamont Corridor Express 133 Commuter rail 1
26 Bay Area Rapid Transit 120 Heavy rail 2
3 Blue & Gold Fleet 103 Ferry service 13
3 Blue & Gold Fleet 103 Ferry service 14
3 Blue & Gold Fleet 103 Ferry service 12
17 Caltrain 130 Commuter rail 3
23 Capitol Corridor 131 Commuter rail 4
19 Cloverdale Transit 63 Local bus 7
17 Shuttle 14 Local bus 46
15 County Connection 86 Express bus 16
15 County Connection 42 Local bus 15
15 County Connection 42 Local bus 17
10 Emery Go-Round 12 Local bus 18
28 Fairfield and Suisun Transit 92 Express bus 10
28 Fairfield and Suisun Transit 52 Local bus 10
35 Golden Gate Transit 87 Express bus 8
20 Golden Gate Transit 101 Ferry service 19
20 Golden Gate Transit 101 Ferry service 20
35 Golden Gate Transit 70 Local bus 8
99 MVgo Mountain View 16 Local bus 21
39 Marin Transit 71 Local bus 23
39 Marin Transit 71 Local bus 24
21 Petaluma Transit 68 Local bus 47
13 Rio Vista Delta Breeze 52 Local bus 5
6 SamTrans 80 Express bus 6
6 SamTrans 24 Local bus 6
25 San Francisco Bay Ferry 101 Ferry service 28
25 San Francisco Bay Ferry 101 Ferry service 30
25 San Francisco Bay Ferry 101 Ferry service 31
25 San Francisco Bay Ferry 101 Ferry service 32
25 San Francisco Bay Ferry 101 Ferry service 29
22 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency 110 Light rail 25
22 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency 20 Local bus 25
22 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency 21 Local bus 26
1 Santa Rosa CityBus 66 Local bus 33
12 SolTrans 91 Express bus 35
12 SolTrans 49 Local bus 34
12 SolTrans 49 Local bus 35
19 Sonoma County Transit 63 Local bus 7
7 Stanford Marguerite Shuttle 13 Local bus 22
4 Tri Delta Transit 95 Express bus 36
4 Tri Delta Transit 44 Local bus 37
4 Tri Delta Transit 44 Local bus 36
36 Union City Transit 38 Local bus 38
31 VTA 81 Express bus 40
31 VTA 81 Express bus 41
31 VTA 111 Light rail 41
31 VTA 28 Local bus 41
31 VTA 28 Local bus 39
14 Vacaville City Coach 56 Local bus 48
38 Vine (Napa County) 94 Express bus 43
38 Vine (Napa County) 60 Local bus 42
38 Vine (Napa County) 60 Local bus 44
37 WestCat (Western Contra Costa) 90 Express bus 49
37 WestCat (Western Contra Costa) 90 Express bus 50
37 WestCat (Western Contra Costa) 46 Local bus 49
24 Wheels Bus 17 Local bus 45

2. Auxiliary Modes

Auxiliary Mode Description
1 walk access connector Walk from centroid to auxiliary rail node/bus stop
2 drive access connector Drive from centroid to drive auxiliary node
3 stop-to-stop or stop-to-station transfer link Walk transfer link between transit stops
4 drive access funnel link Transfer between drive auxiliary node and station platform node
5 walk access funnel link Transfer between walk auxiliary node and station platform node
6 walk egress connector Walk from auxiliary rail node/bus stop to centroid
7 drive egress connector Drive from auxiliary node to centroid
8 Not used
9 Not used

Park and Ride Connector

The park and ride connectors are created by the CreatePnRList.job script (CTRAMP/scripts/preprocess/). It takes the transit background network (created by the PrepHwyNet.job script), identifies all the nodes with PnR access (Highway Network), and the unique transit stop nodes (nodes which don't have a - sign in the transit.lin file). The script then identifies all the transit stops within a 0.125 mile buffer distance from each PNR node and create a text file (trn/pnr_connectors.txt) that is used in the BuildTransitNetwork.job script (CTRAMP/scripts/skims/) to create access and egress links.

Figure 1 illustrates the transit access link mode coding for an example rail stop and some adjacent bus stops. The rail line is "off-network", meaning that it does not exist in the highway network (.net) file, but is instead defined in the transit-only links specified in the transit line files. The bus routes operate on the highway network, and are represented in the transit line files as a sequence of node IDs.

The drive access funnel link (mode=4) forces all park and ride (PNR) trips to a specific stop or station to go through that funnel link. A single drive access funnel link may be connected to multiple zonal drive connectors (mode=2) links going to diferent TAZs. This coding ensures that the number of PNR trips to a specific stop or station can easily be summarized. The walk funnel links (mode=5) serve a similar purpose for off-network rail stations. That is, by forcing all zonal walk access connectors (mode=1) through a single funnel link, the total number of direct walk access and egress trips to a particular station can be easily tabulated from the results. Any remaining trips to a station, beyond those on the drive and walk access funnel links must be transfers, and therefore must traverse a transfer link (mode=3). Unlike the funnel links, of which there can be only one to a specific station, there can be many transfer links to/from a particular station connecting to any other stations or stops within the transfer link generation threshold. The on-network bus stops may use drive access funnel links, but do not use walk-access funnel links. Instead, zonal walk connectors (mode=1) are generated directly to the on-network bus stops.

The zonal walk connectors (mode=1), zonal drive connectors (mode=2), and transfer links (mode=3) are generated automatically in the script buildTransitNetwork.job. The drive funnel link (mode=4) is generated based on the parameters specified on the trn/pnr_connectors.txt file. The walk funnel link (mode=5) are created for each zone centroid to the transit stops.

In the final setp of BuildTransitNetwork.job script, the two best (closest) park and ride location for each access mode are selected and the support links that are used in transit skimming and assignment are created using the script.

3. Transit Fares

The transit fares are specified in separate files denoted with the “.FAR” extension. The fares are specified in year 2000 cents. There are four types of fare formats used in the MTC model:

  • Direct Fare (Initial Boarding Fare)
  • Transfer Fare
  • Station–to-Station Fare
  • Link Based Fares

The files necessary for Transit Fares are:

  1. transit_faremat.block (trn/): transit fare matrices to read
  2. BART.far: stop to stop fare for BART lines.
  3. ACE.far: stop to stop fare for ACE lines.
  4. amtrak.far: stop to stop fare for AMTRAK lines.
  5. ferry.far: stop to stop fare for ferry lines.
  6. FARELINKS.far: special fares for transit links
  7. xfare.far: transfer fares

3.1 Direct Fares

Direct fares are the initial boarding fares for riding a transit line. Direct fares are specified in the xfare.far file. This file lists both the initial and transfer fares in a matrix form of 137 X 137 transit modes (a combination of modes and operators). From this matrix, the initial fare and transfer fares are read into MODEFARE and XFARE variables of TP+ program respectively. The MODEFARE is an array of fares coded to auxiliary-transit links (walk access connector, drive access connector, walk funnel links) for all the transit modes and is used as an initial boarding fare. The XFARE is an array of transfer fares between all modes including auxiliary-transit to transit mode fares (same as MODEFARE). During path building, for the first boarding, the auxiliary-transit to transit MODEFARE value is read as the initial boarding fare instead of the XFARE auxiliary- transit to transit mode. For the subsequent boardings (transfers to another transit mode), the XFARE value for that mode pair is used as the transfer fare.

The transfer fares are explained in the Transfer Fares section below. The initial boarding fares between transit modes to auxiliary-transit modes and auxiliary-transit modes to auxiliary-transit modes are specified as zeros. For some premium transit modes (modes 100-109 and 120-137) the initial fares are also specified as zeros and are substituted with a station-to-station fares, which are described under the Station-to-Station Fares section below.

3.2 Transfer Fares

The transfer fares are fares that are charged when a transfer from one transit line to another occurs. These fares are also specified in the same xfare.far file. The transfer fares between the same premium transit mode (modes 100-109 and 120-137) are specified as zero since the station-to-station fares actually count these transfer fares. Additional transfer fare files are specified to represent a county-to-county transit system transfer, which are described in detail in the Link Based Fares section.

3.3 Station-to-Station Fares

The premium transit lines (modes 100-109 and 120 -137) charge fares between stations. These fares are specified in the .FAR files. For example, the BART.FAR file consists of fares between all BART stations. Figure 13 shows a sample station-to-station fare file.

3.4 Link Based Fares

Some fare structures are provided between zones. Many times is hard to capture the exact fare using the methods explained above. In those cases we use the command FARELINK. This command adds a specific amount indicated in the FARELINK command to the basic fare as a link is traversed in a path. These links are included in the Farelinks.far file.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️