App Settings - BUNPC/Homer3 GitHub Wiki

App Settings Config GUI

The App Settings Config GUI contains information for configuring Homer3 settings primarily for developers.


The Logging setting chooses whether or not to generate logging information for the MATLAB session. It has two options: on or off. Selecting on will store information on the Homer3 session to the logger, but selecting off will remove this feature. The Homer3 logger can be found in the root directory under Homer3.log

Check For Updates

Check For Updates has two options: on or off. If Check For Updates is on Homer3 will see if a new update is avaliable every week. You will then be prompted to download the new release. If Check For Updates is off Homer3 will not check unless it is reenabled.

Stim Edit GUI Save Warnings

In the Stim Edit GUI when saving the current stim marks to the file, a popup window (shown below) appears, warning the user that stim edits will be saved to the acquisition file. You can choose to have this always appear if you change the setting to ask every time.

Data Storage Scheme

Data Storage Scheme has two options: files and memory. With files selected, Homer3 will only load the selected file or folder to memory and creates a place holder for the rest. Here is an example of how this works.

On the other hand, with memory selected all files would be loaded into DataTree and all would be processed in memory.


This option will not work with large files and/or large amounts of files.

Auto Save Acquisition Files

Group Data Loading Warnings

Output Folder Name

The output folder name refers to the location of the output files. More documentation on output files can be seen here. The default name for the folder is set to homerOutput. See below to view an example of changing the name of the output folder.

This will change the name for all future creations of the output folder. Therefore, you will need to delete the current folder to see a change.

Output File Name

The output file name refers to the name of the .mat file storing the processed data. The name of this file is set to groupResults.mat as default. More documentation about groupResults.mat can be seen here.

Fix File Name Conflicts

Processing Stream Config File

This config file holds information on the processing stream. The default name for the file is processOpt_default.cfg. In this menu, the name of this default config file can be changed. Documentation on the processing stream can be seen here.

Regression Test Active

Include Archived User Functions

For developer use. Making option read only in the future.

This option will either include or exclude Homer2 style processing functions. Currently being used for unit testing.

Default Processing Stream Style

For developer use. Making option read only in the future.