Trigger API Reference - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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DCEI Functions

These functions are available under the DCEI namespace, ex:

DCEI.LogMessage("Hello World!")

General {General}

Log {Log}

Player {Player}

Multiplayer {Multiplayer}

Effect {Effect}

Unit {Unit}

Custom Data {Custom-Data}

Behavior {Behavior}

Camera {Camera}


Input {Input}

Math {Math}

Map {Map}

Region {Region}

Upgrade {Upgrade}

Weapon {Weapon}

Ability {Ability}

Game {Game}

Tutorial {Tutorial}

Sound {Sound}

Service {Service}

Actor {Actor}

Terrain {Terrain}

Lighting {Lighting}

Custom UI {Custom-UI}

Save {Save}

Event {Event}


See more information here.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️