Trigger API Reference DCEI Functions Custom Data0 - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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Trigger API Reference\DCEI Functions\Custom Data {Trigger-API-ReferenceDCEI-FunctionsCustom-Data}

object GetAllCustomData() {object-GetAllCustomData}

object GetAllCustomData()


Returns a table of all the custom data.

Example Usage

local custom_data = DCEI.GetAllCustomData()

object GetCustomDataByType(string typeName) {object-GetCustomDataByTypestring-typeName}

object GetCustomDataByType(string typeName)


Returns a table of all the custom data of the given type.


  • string typeName the name of the type.

Example Usage

local talents = DCEI.GetCustomDataByType("Talents")

object GetDefaultCustomDataByType(string typeName) {object-GetDefaultCustomDataByTypestring-typeName}

object GetDefaultCustomDataByType(string typeName)


Returns a table of all the default custom data of the given type.


  • string typeName the name of the type.

Example Usage

local talent_defaults = DCEI.GetDefaultCustomDataByType("Talents")

object GetCustomDataByInstance(string typeName, string instanceName) {object-GetCustomDataByInstancestring-typeName-string-instanceName}

object GetCustomDataByInstance(string typeName, string instanceName)


Returns a table of all the custom data of the given type of a specific instance.


  • string typeName the name of the type.
  • string instanceName the name of the instance of an object.

Example Usage

local talent_fireball = DCEI.GetCustomDataByInstance("Talents", "Fireball")

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