Trigger API Reference DCEI Functions Event0 - BLKTower/TestWiki GitHub Wiki

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Trigger API Reference\DCEI Functions\Event {Trigger-API-ReferenceDCEI-FunctionsEvent}

Used for live game analytics. Notes: there are some restrictions on event names, parameter names, and values:

  • Event and parameter names must be between 2 and 40 characters,
  • Event and parameter names must consist of alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or spaces,
  • Parameter value must be less than 100 characters.

void Event.Log(string key, object table) {void-EventLogstring-key-object-table}

void Event.Log(string key, object table)


Logs an event.


  • string key the key for the event.
  • object table a table with the event data.

Example Usage

local key = "Stats"
local table = {
  health = DCEI.GetHealth(unit),
  shield = DCEI.GetShield(unit),
  mana = DCEI.GetMana(unit)

DCEI.Event.Log(key, table)

void Event.SetUserProperty(string key, object value) {void-EventSetUserPropertystring-key-object-value}

void Event.SetUserProperty(string key, object value)


Logs a user property.


  • string key the key for the user property.
  • object value the value for the user property.

Example Usage

local key = "level"
local value = 10

DCEI.Event.SetUserProperty(key, value)

void Event.SetGameState(string state) {void-EventSetGameStatestring-state}

void Event.SetGameState(string state)



Example Usage

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️