Natural Growth Features - AstralOrdana/Immersive-Weathering GitHub Wiki

Block Cracking

When brick blocks are exposed to intense heat from Fire or Lava, they will become their cracked variant. Cracks can spread from cracked blocks outwards, forming interesting crack formations along walls. Cracks are coded specifically so there is never a solid wall of cracked blocks: they will be spaced out. Many aspects of block cracking can be changed in the common config file, including how uniform cracks can be and whether they require air exposure to crack.

Using a pickaxe, you can manually crack any brick block, dropping a brick item of the respective type. Brick items can be used to repair cracked blocks; cracked blocks repaired this way will not naturally crack in the future.

image Cracked blocks and their respective brick items

image A row of cracked bricks were added for the first three rows, the middle ones repaired with brick items and left running for 10 hours: you can see cracks spreading upwards and across in a varied pattern but the repaired blocks have remained repaired

Moss Growth

Over time, moss will grow on stone blocks when exposed to air and nearby water, including when rain touches these blocks. For blocks with an existing mossy state, the block will be converted to its mossy variety.

Using a Flint and Steel on a mossable block will prevent it from growing moss.

Using Shears on mossy blocks or moss overlays from Immersive Weathering will drop a Moss Clump which can be used to apply moss to any block.

Blocks that will be converted when mossed include:

  • Cobblestone --> Mossy Cobblestone
  • Stone Bricks --> Mossy Stone Bricks
  • Stone --> Mossy Stone
  • Bricks --> Mossy Bricks
  • and all their respective stair & slab variants

Other blocks in the #immersive_weathering:mossable tag (which can be configured using a datapack) will grow a mossy covering instead.




Both Plate Iron & Cut Iron blocks have the ability to rust over time. However, unlike copper oxidization, rust depends on the level of moisture touching the block, not the amount of time it has existed in the world.

Vanilla Iron Blocks will not rust, as they are storage blocks, but Iron Doors, Iron Bars, & Iron Trapdoors will. Every rustable block can be waxed with Honeycomb or Tallow, preventing it from rusting further & freezing it in the state of rust it is in.

Rusty doors & trapdoors have a special functionality, their level of rust affects the time they take to close. Exposed doors & trapdoors have a slight delay, Weathered ones have a longer one, & fully Rusted ones are toggle only, and do not close when unpowered.

If you want to repair rusted blocks, you're gonna have a problem, as you can only scrape the rust off Exposed iron blocks. Further rust levels are too damaged to salvage, paralleling real-life rust. However, you may smelt rusted blocks into single iron ingots to recoup some of what you spent on them. You can use steel wool (Creative only) to scrape any level of rust, but there isn't an included crafting recipe for Steel Wool as it's intended to be a Creative Mode item.

Rustable blocks:

  • Iron Door
  • Iron Trapdoor
  • Iron Bars
  • new Plate Iron blocks, stairs, and slabs
  • new Cut Iron blocks, stairs, and slabs


image Plate Iron structure fully weathered after rain & a large amount of time


Grass*, Podzol, and other surface blocks (including Mycelium) will regrow Grass, Ferns, or other appropriate foliage (including Saplings in forest biomes on Rooted Grass) over time. What grows over time in what biomes is configurable using the [datapack system|Customization]. See below for biome- and surface-specific block growths.

Misc Regrowth

  • Mycelium spread over Grass Blocks (can be changed in the configs)
  • Grass Blocks spread over Mycelium (can be changed in the configs)
  • Rooted Grass will form in Grass Blocks around the Logs at the base of trees
  • Rooted Dirt will form in Dirt around the Logs at the base of trees
  • Rooted Dirt can grow Hanging Roots beneath and around it
  • Grass grows into Tall Grass
  • Ferns grow into Large Ferns
  • Seagrass grows into Tall Seagrass

Grassy Regrowth

Biome Grows on Grass Blocks*
All Biomes Grass
Plains Dandelion, Azure Bluet, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Pumpkin, Weeds
Sunflower Plains Dandelion, Poppy, Azure Bluet, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Sunflower
Jungle, Sparse Jungle Dandelion, Fern, Melon
Bamboo Jungle Bamboo Sapling, Fern, Melon
Badlands, Eroded Badlands, Desert Dead Bush
Wooded Badlands, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna Dead Bush
Forest, Windswept Forest Poppy, Lily of the Valley, Azure Bluet, Peony
Dark Forest Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Poppy, Rose Bush, and (very rarely) Carved Pumpkins on Dark Oak Fenceposts
Birch Forest, Old Growth Birch Forest Weeds, Brown Mushroom, Dandelion, Lily of the Valley, Cornflower, Lilac
Flower Forest Red, White, Orange, and Pink Tulips; Allium, Lily of the Valley, Peony, Lilac, Rose Bush
Taiga, Snowy Taiga Fern, Sweet Berry Bush
Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga Fern, Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom
Swamp Blue Orchid
Lush Caves Azalea, Flowering Azalea

*spreads from blocks in #immersive_weathering:grass_spread_source including by default Grass, Tall Grass, Weeds, Ferns, and Large Ferns, which means grass must grow first for these other things to appear

Sapling Regrowth

Biome Grows on Rooted Grass
Birch Forest, Old Growth Birch Forest Birch Sapling
Forest, Windswept Forest, Flower Forest Oak Sapling, Birch Sapling
Jungle, Sparse Jungle Jungle Sapling
Taiga, Snowy Taiga Spruce Sapling
Wooded Badlands, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna Acacia Sapling

Soil Type Regrowth

Soil Type Grows
Mycelium Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom
Podzol Fern, Brown Mushroom
Humus Grass, Red Mushroom
Vertisol Dead Bush, Grass
Cryosol Fern, Sweet Berry Bush
Cracked Mud in River biomes Sugar Cane
Fluvisol-and-Silt, if under Water Seagrass

Coral Regrowth

Coral in Warm Ocean biomes will slowly regrow Fans of the appropriate type (and very occasionally a Wet Sponge).

Nether Regrowth

Surface Type Grows
Warped Nylium Warped Roots, Warped Fungus, and occasionally Crimson Fungus
Crimson Nylium Crimson Roots, Crimson Fungus, and occasionally Warped Fungus
Nether Wart Blocks Weeping Vines
Warped Wart Blocks Twisting Vines

image A field of Warped Nylium in the Overworld, with Warped Roots, Warped Fungus, and the occasionally Crimson Fungus that have grown on it over time


Weeds grow when your farmland hasn't been tended to for long periods of time, taking the place of crops in the farm. Weeds only grow when you have a lot of fully grown plants that haven't been harvested in a while, so as long as you tend to your farm every now and then, you should be good. You can also use Mulch or Rich Soil from Farmer's Delight or make a greenhouse for your crops by placing glass or another block above to prevent them entirely.

Which crops can be replaced with weeds over time is configurable using datapacks.


image An untended garden after quite a while

Leaf Piles

Leaf Piles will slowly form under Leaves blocks and drop from decaying Leaves blocks. Humus will also slowly form underneath tall deciduous (Oak, Birch, Jungle, and Dark Oak) Leaf Piles and Podzol will slowly form underneath tall coniferous (Spruce) Leaf Piles. The drop rates are configurable using Datapacks.

Mud Drying

Mud placed in hot biomes will dry into Cracked Mud.

Sapling Desiccation

Saplings placed in hot biomes or in the Nether have a small chance to die, turning into Dead Bushes.


Icicles generate naturally in frozen peaks & ice spike biomes and also spawn under leaves in snowy biomes & in vast amounts in Frosty Caves, which are extremely dangerous because of how reactive icicles are.

image A cottage with Icicles that have formed under the eaves

image Frozen Spruce trees with Icicles formed under the Leaves


In cold biomes, you may see Frost building up at night on Glass Blocks or on the Grass.


Thin Ice

Thin Ice spreads over the surface of Water in snowy biomes and frozen oceans. Beware - it will crack and break when stepped on without Frost Walker or Feather Falling!

Sand Mechanics


New to IW 1.1.5+ for 1.19.2! If you are in a Desert biome and the world has Rain, the local weather will be a Sandstorm. When Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, or Stone have an unobstructed view of the sky, they can randomly be made sandy. If the mod attempts to make an already sandy block sandy, it will instead increase it to its high sandy state. It will also set its SAND_AGE state to a random number between 1 and 10.


Sand Seeping

New to IW 1.1.5+ for 1.19.2! If a very sandy Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, or Stone block has air below it, it will randomly drop Sand Piles out of itself, each one decrementing its sand age by one until it hits zero, at which point it no longer drops sand. Additionally, if any sandy block has a block below it that can be sandy, it has a 3/5 chance (per block position in the world) to transfer its sandy state downward to the block below it.

When a Sand Pile more than one layer deep is on top of a block that can become sandy (Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, and Stone blocks) it will randomly subtract one layer from itself, convert the block below it to its sandy form (single or double sandy with equal likelihood) with a random "sand age" between 0 and 4. From that point, normal sand layer falling kicks in, and for each sand age, it can drop a sand layer and reduce its sand age by 1 until it gets to 0 at which point it remains stable.

Piling Sand

If a very sandy Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, or Stone block has air below, it will randomly drop Sand Piles out of itself, each one decrementing its sand age by one until it hits zero, at which point it no longer drops sand.

Over time a Sandstone (or Red Sandstone) block with Water above and space below it will drop Sand Piles.

image Sand Piles forming below Sandstone which has Water above it


Lightning Strikes

Lightning can be used to convert some blocks into others:

  • Obsidian ---> Crying Obsidian
  • Stone ---> Magma Block
  • Magma Block ---> Lava

image Converted Crying Obsidian, Magma Block, and Lava remaining after summoned Lightning strikes

See also Custom Generators for other ways Immersive Weathering adds to generate specific block types.

Vitrified Sand & Fulgurite

Fulgurite and Vitrified Sand have a chance to generate nearby when Lightning strikes Sand. Vitrified Sand can also generate when Sand is near Lava.

image Fulgurite formations and Vitrified Sand and Fire remaining after a lightning strike in a Desert biome

image Flowing Lava in a desert Biome showing surrounding formations of Vitrified Sand, with some Vertisol in the background

Ash & Soot


When any block burns, it has a chance to turn into an Ash Layer.


Soot forms in thin layers on vertical surfaces above campfires.

Magma Blocks

Lava can seep through Netherrack, creating Magma Blocks.