Header - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<HEADER/> : <BOX/>

The <HEADER/> widget is used to display fixed content at the top of the <FML/> page. There can be only one <HEADER/> per page. Page <HEADER/>'s are fixed to the top of the page and do not scroll.

If your <HEADER/> is used in several <FML/> pages, consider using the <INCLUDE/> widget to avoid duplicate code. This allows you to write the code once and use it in other templates.


Name Type Default Description Req
layout string stack Default layout inside the box, Valid entries are "row", "column", or "stack"
height int 100 The height of the header


Example #1 : a simple header


  <HEADER height="35" color="red" layout="row">    
    <BUTTON id="b1" onclick="b1.type.set('outlined'); b2.type.set('text'); b3.type.set('text'); b4.type.set('text')" label="Home"    type="text" width="150"/>
    <BUTTON id="b2" onclick="b2.type.set('outlined'); b1.type.set('text'); b3.type.set('text'); b4.type.set('text')" label="Camera"  type="text" width="150"/>
    <BUTTON id="b3" onclick="b3.type.set('outlined'); b2.type.set('text'); b1.type.set('text'); b4.type.set('text')" label="Form"    type="text" width="150"/>
    <BUTTON id="b4" onclick="b4.type.set('outlined'); b2.type.set('text'); b3.type.set('text'); b1.type.set('text')" label="Profile" type="text" width="150"/>

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Example #2 : header with a scrolling body and <FOOTER/>


<FML title="HEADER (example2)" keywords="header">
	<!-- The Page Header -->
	<HEADER height="150" color="#272727">
		<BOX center="true">
			<TEXT style="h4" color="white">Header Title</TEXT>
		<POSITIONED bottom="0" left="2">
			<BUTTON onclick="back()" size="20">
				<ICON icon="arrow_back" color="white" size="20"/>
		<POSITIONED bottom="5" left="40">
			<BREADCRUMB height="20" color="white" />
	<!-- The Page Body -->
		<BOX center="true" color="#E4E4E4" height="500">
			<TEXT style="h6" color="black"> Section 1 </TEXT>
		<BOX center="true" color="#EFEFEF" height="500">
			<TEXT style="h6" color="black"> Section 2 </TEXT>
	<!-- The Page Footer -->
	<FOOTER height="100" layout="row" color="#0000FF66" valign="center">

		<BUTTON type="outlined"  onclick="showtemplate()" margin="10">
			  <ICON icon="preview_rounded"/>
			  <TEXT label="Show Template"/>

		  <TEXT  italic="true" size="10" color="{THEME.onsurface}" label="Flutter Markup Language is a Fair-Source and publicly available community product of"/>

		  <ICON icon="appdaddy"/>

		  <TEXT italic="true" size="10" color="{THEME.onsurface}" label="AppDaddy Software Solutions Inc. To get started using FML visit"/>

		  <PAD right="4"/>

		  <LINK onclick="open('https://fml.dev')">
			<TEXT size="10" color="blue" label="***FML.DEV***"/>


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