Footer - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<FOOTER/> : <BOX/>

The <FOOTER/> widget is used inside of the <FML/> template to denote the bottom footer. Footers are statically positioned at the bottom of the page and typically contain multiple child widgets.

If your footer is used on multiple pages, you may want to consider using an <INCLUDE/> widget to avoid duplicate code.


  • The <FOOTER/> must be a child of the the <FML/> template.


Name Type Default Description Req
layout string ("row","column","stack") "stack" The default child layout
height int 50 The height of the footer


Example #1 : a simple footer laid out as a row
    <FOOTER height="33" color="#272727" layout="row" valign="center" halign="between">
            <BUTTON onclick="" value="Home" color="white" type="outlined"/>
            <BUTTON onclick="" value="Camera" color="white"/>
            <BUTTON onclick="" value="Form" color="white"/>
            <BUTTON onclick="" value="Profile" color="white"/>

        <BOX center="true" color="#E4E4E4" height="60%">
            <TEXT style="h6"> Section 1 </TEXT>
        <BOX center="true" color="#EFEFEF" height="60%">
            <TEXT style="h6"> Section 2 </TEXT>

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