B4A Android Advanced Usage - yanivav/Documentation GitHub Wiki

######This section describes advanced usage and personal customization options and is not mandatory for the integration.

##Customizing your Banner You can show a specific banner type as well as hiding and showing it in run time.

###Selecting Banner Type There are 3 different types of banners:

Banner Type Description
Automatic Banner (Recommended) Automatic selects the most suitable banner of the two listed below
Standard (2D) Banner A standard (two dimensional) banner
3D Banner A three dimensional rotating banner

We highly recommend adding an Automatic banner, which automatically selects whether to display a standard banner or a 3D banner. The banner remains displayed throughout the entire activity life-cycle.

To add a banner to your application add the following code in the appropriate place:

1. add the following line to the Sub Globals section

Dim bannerAuto As Banner
Dim bannerPositionToSet As BannerPosition
Dim bannerTypeToSet As BannerType

2. create the banner in the appropriate location, for example under Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean):



BannerPosition - position of the banner. Can receive one of the following:

BannerType - type of banner. Can receive one of the following:

###Hiding the Banner In order to hide an already displayed banner, use the removeBannerFromPosition() method. Simply pass the position of the banner you want to hide.

For example:


In order to show the banner again, simply use the addBannerWithPosition() method as described in "Showing Banners".

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##Adding a callback when an Interstitial Ad is loaded

In case you want to get a callback when an ad has been loaded or failed to load, call startAppInterstitial.loadAdWithListener("AdEventListener") and implement the following events:

Sub AdEventListener_ReceiveAd(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub

Sub AdEventListener_FailedToReceiveAd(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub

Please note - please don't change the suffix of the methods above ("_ReceiveAd" and "_FailedToReceiveAd"). The prefix should be identical to the string passed to the loadAdWithListener method.

##Adding a callback when an Interstitial Ad is displayed or clicked

In case you want to get a callback when an ad has been displayed or clicked, call startAppInterstitial.showAdWithListener("AdDisplayListener") and implement the following events:

Sub AdDisplayListener_AdHidden(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub 

Sub AdDisplayListener_AdDisplayed(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub 

Sub AdDisplayListener_AdClicked(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub 

Sub AdDisplayListener_AdNotDisplayed(ad1 As Ad)
 'place your code here
End Sub

Please note - please don't change the suffix of the methods above ("_AdHidden", "_AdDisplayed", etc.). The prefix should be identical to the string passed to the loadAdWithListener method.

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##Customizing the Splash Screen StartApp provides a few pre-defined templates of splash screens in which you can place your own creatives, such as application name and logo, as described below.

####Customizing the Splash Screen initialize and create the splash screen under Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean):

Dim splashConf As SplashConfig
startAppSplash.showSplashWithSplashConfig(FirstTime, splashConf)

Apply the following parameters:

  • splashConfig: Optional object that can be used to customize some of your template's properties to suit your needs, such as your application name, logo and theme (see the example below). For a full description of the SplashConfig API, please refer to SplashConfig API.

Example: the following is an example of a custom template with an OCEAN theme, modified application name, logo and landscape orientation:

Dim splashConf As SplashConfig
Dim orientationToSet As Orientation
Dim themeToSet As Theme
Dim logoToSet As Bitmap
logoToSet.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "your logo") 'Should be in [project folder]\Files
splashConf.setAppName("Your Application Name")

startAppSplash.showSplashWithSplashConfig(FirstTime, splashConf)

NOTE: for optimal appearance of your Splash screen on all device densities, provide a logo of 360x360px and place it in the [project folder]\Files folder. If you do not provide a logo, then StartApp In-App uses the default application icon (as declared in the Manifest) and stretches it to 360x360px.

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##SplashConfig API The following describes the methods that you can use for customizing the Splash screen displayed in a StartApp In-App Splash screen Ad.

####► Set the Splash screen mode

public SplashConfig setTheme(Theme theme)

Sets the Splash theme. Use one of the options below to select a design theme for your splash screen.

SplashConfig.Theme.DEEP_BLUE (default)

####► Set the application name

public SplashConfig setAppName(String appName)

Sets the application name to be used in the Template mode.

String (default is the application name from the manifest).

####► Set the logo

public SplashConfig setLogo(String logo)

Sets the logo to be displayed in the Template mode.

logo the logo resource name under the [project folder]\Files folder (default is the icon resource from the manifest).

####► Set the orientation

public SplashConfig setOrientation(Orientation orientation)

Sets the orientation to be used.

Orientation.PORTRAIT (default)
Orientation.AUTO (use the device's orientation upon entering the application)

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