[GitHub] wxMaxima Wiki - wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima GitHub Wiki
The wxMaxima Wiki on GitHub contains information about the following topics.
- wxMaxima application
- wxMaxima GitHub site
- User contributed packages to wxMaxima
- Maxima
To provide a satisfying experience all wxMaxima Wiki page titles are meaningful as possible (nearly like a sentence) while shortened to the essential keywords as possible (close to a wordlist), which again are sorted in a hierarchical manner.
The wxMaxima Wiki pages are rudimentary sectioned.
[wxMaxima] | Information about the wxMaxima application. |
[Maxima] | Brief Information about Maxima. |
[Help] | Help on different topics connected to wxMaxima. |
[Problem] | Troubleshooting in wxMaxima. |
[Packages] | Information about packages which have been contributed by users. |
Browse the wxMaxima Wiki
At the right side is a panel, named Pages
If it is unfolded, there is a link at the bottom, named Show more pages
When you click the Show more pages
-Link a list with all wxMaxima Wiki pages will appear.
Search the wxMaxima Wiki
At the right side is a panel, named Pages
If it is unfolded, there is a input-box.
In the field where it is written Find a page...
, you can type in, some keywords of interest, to search for.
Add to the wxMaxima Wiki
You can add to the wxMaxima Wiki to help users.
Keep in mind:
- wxMaxima Wiki is about wxMaxima and not, or only very brief, about Maxima.
- wxMaxima is one of the most used graphical interfaces to Maxima. wxMaxima has a global community and often users do not understand English as good as you do. Therefore try to use a short but pregnant language. Structure content to avoid confusion.
As wxMaxima has a global community, parts of the wxMaxima Wiki may will get translated into other languages. In English the personal pronoun "You" applies to the personal and formal language form. When translating content, the desired form (personal or formal) can only be guessed. Sometimes this does not matter to the reader, sometimes a reader likes a personal form or he thinks it is not polite. In short: To get around this problematic, just avoid the use of any personal pronouns.
- Bad:
You can click a button to archive some thing.
- Better:
The specific button will do a specific thing.
- Translates to german as:
Der spezifische Knopf wird eine spezifische Sache erledigen.
wxMaxima Wiki markup
wxMaxima Wiki is using the functionality provided by GitHub. Sadly, GitHub does not provide full blown wiki functionality.
To get a brief overlook on what is possible and what is not, you can ask GitHub at https://docs.github.com/en/communities/documenting-your-project-with-wikis.
More or less, you can also use the Markdown Here Cheatsheet
as a quick reference at https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Here-Cheatsheet#code-and-syntax-highlighting.
If you need very fancy stuff you can also take a look at the editing options provided by https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents. Just keep in mind, GitHub is limiting the possibilities.
If you need a easy go on tables you can use a markdown table generator as https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables (Sadly without an option to sort the content).
Naming pages.
- Avoid "Story-telling".
- Try to choose a meaningful title (nearly like a sentence)
- Shorten the title to essential keywords (close to a wordlist)
- Try to follow a pre-existing hierarchy of keywords.
- Bad:
Can i click on a menu entry with my mouse button to open it?
- Reason: "Story-telling", no hierarchy, does not mean much, keywords disappear in the mass.
- Better:
Menu mouse click open
- Reason: Every thing belonging to
will start withMenu
in the title. So all pages aboutmenu
will get sorted together.mouse
will be the next hierarchical point, so all pages aboutmouse
will stick together.click
will be the next hierarchical point, so all pages aboutmouse
will stick together.open
will be the last hierarchical point, and is probably the point which is the most dynamic changing value.
[Problem] ...
<!-- Optional create some context. -->
# Symptom
<!-- Describe the symptoms. So a user can recognize it. -->
# Suspected diagnosis
<!-- Describe what is involved and related to this specific problem. -->
# Possible cure
<!-- Postulate a simple solution. -->
Different kinds of links are possible.
[[GitHub] wxMaxima Wiki]([GitHub]-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki)
[[GitHub] wxMaxima-Wiki][\[GitHub\] wxMaxima-Wiki]
[\[GitHub\] wxMaxima Wiki]
Plain URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links.
* https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/wiki/%5BGitHub%5D-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki
* <https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/wiki/%5BGitHub%5D-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki>.
<!-- Horizontal line without reason. -->
<!-- Horizontal line without reason. -->
<!-- Hidden but working links as used by Reference-Links, Number-Links, Linktext-Links -->
[\[GitHub\] wxMaxima-Wiki]: [GitHub]-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki
[1]: [GitHub]-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki
[\[GitHub\] wxMaxima Wiki]: [GitHub]-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki
Inline: [GitHub] wxMaxima Wiki
Reference: [GitHub] wxMaxima-Wiki
Number: [GitHub]-wxMaxima-Wiki
Linktext: [GitHub] wxMaxima Wiki
Plain URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links.
- https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/wiki/%5BGitHub%5D-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki
- https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/wiki/%5BGitHub%5D-wxMaxima-Wiki#add-to-the-wxmaxima-wiki.
Syntax highlighting
Sadly, GitHub does not provide full blown wiki functionality and does not offer specific wxMaxima- or Maxima-code highlight option.
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Video Youtube
Please do not use this. Because no one can translate it nor use it when offline.