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These general stages are how WovTools enables your team to build a microservice application:

  1. Install and Configure WovTools

  2. Local Development (see [Workflow Locally])

    • Build an Application/Microservice or select an existing
    • run wov-init in that project directory
    • store your configuration and secrets in JSON files (environment variables generated for you)
    • update your databases and schemas (i.e. database deltas)
    • write a container recipe and Kubernetes files inwov format (Handlebars expressions to insert configuration data)
    • push to Archives, via wov-push
    • deploy to cluster, via wov-deploy (see below)
    • watch it all fail, via wov-plog MICROSERVICE or wov-log (a curses UI to select a MICROSERVICE)
  3. On-Cluster Development (see [Workflow On Cluster])

    • launch a virtual node in your cluster, via wov-vh -s command
    • push code to the virtual node, via wov-vh-pushgit
    • (un)route services to and from the cluster, to your node, via wov-vh --(un)route MICROSERVICE
    • ssh into the virtual node, via wov-vh -l, and do your development, running your code as normal
    • pull code from the virtual node, locally via wov-vh-pulldir, then go to step 2 to push and deploy
  4. To-Cluster Development (see [Workflow To Cluster])

    • deploy current development version to cluster: wov-deploy --dev. To update configuration for the cluster only: wov-deploy --dev --conf-only.
    • deploy current version to cluster, by downloading it locally, then pushing it: wov-deploy --stage
    • deploy an older version (NOTE: could be database problems so manage snapshots manually!): wov-deploy --stage --pver X --sver Y
  5. Rolling Stages Development (see [Workflow Rolling Stages])

    • Change git branch and Kubernetes context to next stage (i.e. 'dev', 'prod', 'security', etc)
    • Merge in git repos to this stage (code, configuration, database deltas)
    • Go to step 2.