Meeting 2024 10 22 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki
Tuesday 22 October 2024 11h - 12h30 UTC
MS Teams
Name | Affiliation/Country | GitHub handle | Attendance |
Tom KRALIDIS (Chair) | Canada | @tomkralidis | X |
Guillaume AUBERT | EUMETSAT | @gaubert | |
Lara FERRIGHI | Norway | @ferrighi | X |
Masato FUJIMOTO (observing member) | Japan | @masato-f29 | X |
Sylvain GRELLET | France | @sgrellet | |
Xinqiang HAN | China | @Amienshxq | X |
Vera KORBULAKOVA | Russian Federation | @VeraKorbulakova | X |
Ian MCDONALD | EUMETSAT | @McDonald-Ian | X |
Steve OLSON | USA | @solson-nws | X |
Ján OSUSKY | HMEI | @josusky | |
David PODEUR | France | @davidpodeur | |
Julia SIELAND | Germany | @jsieland | X |
Yutaro TONOOKA | Japan | YutaroJMA | X |
Anna MILAN | WMO Secretariat | @amilan17 | X |
- Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
- Secretariat updates (Anna)
- add examples (
- make specific role required for attribution (
- clarify local identifier in id (
- register WMO as a URN namespace (
- codelist for properties.status (
- add KPI for Pub/Sub links and centre identifiers (
- snippets validation errors (
- prepare for LSP publication (
- update metadata publishing (
- add topics for ocean (
- add topics for tropical cyclone (
- update codes registry script for updates (
- prepare for LSP publication (
Tom welcomed the team members and commenced the meeting by explaining how the two meetings per month are organized. Essentially, there are four topics, with roughly 45 minutes dedicated to each topic across the three hours total.
The team reviewed previous actions with most actions remaining open.
Anna provided a secretariat update, noting that the fast-track period for NFP review concludes today with a couple of changes in the topics. She also mentioned that there are open PRs in the WTH, WCMP2 and WNM based on edits from the publishing department.
The team then reviewed the following open issues. See notes in the issue comments.
- add examples (
- make specific role required for attribution (
- clarify local identifier in id (
- register WMO as a URN namespace (
- codelist for properties.status (
- add KPI for Pub/Sub links and centre identifiers (
- snippets validation errors (
- prepare for LSP publication (
update metadata publishing (
add topics for ocean (
add topics for tropical cyclone (
prepare for LSP publication (
One of the team members requested a link to the WMO list of core and recommended data. It was noted that there is a list of generic/broad datatypes identified as core or recommended in Annex 1 of the WMO Unified Data Policy at and further details may be found in other publications such as the Manual on WIPPS and the Manual on WIGOS. It was also noted that these lists are not exclusive. Any data that can be exchanged on a free and unrestricted basis can be categorized as core data in WIS2. Conversely, if there are restrictions on data access, such as a cost, the data must be categorized as recommended.
Tom concluded the meeting by asking all attendees for their last thoughts.
- All: Please reach out to Tom if you are interested in being on the task team for metadata harmonization
- Tom: Add updating the codes registry to the Terms of Reference (DONE
- Anna: create issue templates for amendment proposals
- Tom: talk raise team concerns about validating leaf topics to the W2AT
- Antje: open issue for "when to require metadata_id in the WNM" based on metrics (DONE
- Steve: add WCMP2 example for radiosonde (
- Anna: review
namespace registration ( - Lara: review definition of "publisher" (