Meeting 2024 10 25 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 25 October 2024 11h - 12h30 UTC


MS Teams



Name Affiliation/Country GitHub handle Attendance
Tom KRALIDIS (Chair) Canada @tomkralidis X
Guillaume AUBERT EUMETSAT @gaubert
Lara FERRIGHI Norway @ferrighi
Masato FUJIMOTO (observing member) Japan @masato-f29 X
Sylvain GRELLET France @sgrellet
Xinqiang HAN China @Amienshxq
Vera KORBULAKOVA Russian Federation @VeraKorbulakova X
Steve OLSON USA @solson-nws
Ján OSUSKY HMEI @josusky X
David PODEUR France @davidpodeur
Julia SIELAND Germany @jsieland
Yutaro TONOOKA Japan YutaroJMA X
Anna MILAN WMO Secretariat @amilan17 X



  • Tom commenced the meeting by welcoming the attendees and noting that it would end half an hour earlier than scheduled. The team briefly reviewed the previous actions and Anna provided an update on the status of FT2024-2 and the schedule for FT2025-1. She also noted that the publications are reviewed by the English editors and should be available in the library soon to reflect the approvals from INFCOM-3 and EC-78.

  • Tom introduced the initial draft of the WIS2 Monitoring and Alerting (WAM) Specification. Jan suggested changing the name from alerting to events to avoid confusion with Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) notifications. The team also discussed the applicability of WAM to WIS2Nodes, the implementation of topics in relation to the WIS2 Topic Hierarchy, and the relationship between this specification and metrics. All team members are invited to review and provide comments/suggestions as an issue in the repository:

  • The team reviewed the following issues in the WNM (see notes in issue comments).

  • Tom concluded the meeting by noting the dates for the next meetings and asked everyone for their last thoughts.


  • Ján: open issue to change name of WAM from alerting to events
  • Ján: open an issue that describes some use cases where WIS2 Nodes may use WAM
  • All: review WAM and provide comments/suggestions in issues

Next meeting

  • 2024-11-26
  • 2024-11-27