Meeting 2022 03 11 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 11 March 2022 13h30 UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Steve Olson
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Julia Sieland
  • Jan Osusky
  • Xinqiang Han

WMO Secretariat

  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. WCMP 2.0 core chapters review


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
    • Leave them open
  2. WCMP 2.0 core chapters review
    • quick update of Clause 7: identification (resolution, version) (Steve)
      • Decision 1> to keep version in identification as a citation
      • Decision 2> to keep resolution to the extent part
      • Decision 3> to remain using URN in the identifier
    • clause 9: data policy (Julia)
      • Action> Julia to further research th WMO Unified Data Policy
      • WMO core/recommended or WMO core/recommend/other
      • access contraints with regards to Res.1
      • Action> Julia to provide examples on access constraints
    • clause 8: extents (temporal) (Xinqiang)
      • Action> Xinqiang to move the Resolution to Temporal extents part


  • Steve: update Clause 7
    • to keep the version in identification as a citation
    • to keep the resolution to the extent part
    • to remain using URN in the identifier
  • Julia: update Clause 9
    • to provide spatial resolution examples to be discussed in the identification section
    • to further research the WMO Unified Data Policy
    • to provide examples on access constraints
  • Xinqiang: update Clause 8: to move the Resolution to Temporal extents part
  • all: provide spatial resolution examples to be discussed in the identification section
  • Tom: present the WIS2 architecture to the team in due time

Next meeting
