Meeting 2022 03 17 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Thursday 17 March 2022 12h UTC


MS Teams



  • Tom Kralidis
  • Steve Olson
  • Jan Osusky
  • Xinqiang Han

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Julia Sieland



  • WCMP 2.0 core chapters review
  • WCMP 1.3 KPI dashboard discussion (Anna/Maaike)
    • Anna: KPI-07: no files have the graphic overview; and KPI-12
    • Enrico: if no present, no score given. 93% is not compliant which may imply the problem of approach. KPI01 is a set of tests. Shall we break this into a number of KPIs? We need to run KPI01 again and further analyze it before going to other KPIs.
    • Steve: the dashboard is internal or is public?
      • (Maaike) now the dashboard is internal. PDF version is created for circulation.
      • (Enrico) The objective is to improve the metadata. To be run periodically, which form to present the data is not decided. When it is stable, reports will be produced to provide GISC.
    • (Anna) something to be used as a parser to help provide a filter for the organization from contacts?
      • (Tom) maybe in future, there will be a KPI for high-level metadata contacts
  • KPI issues


  • Maaike: to run a test on KPI-01 again for further analysis
  • Tom: to further review KPI-07 issue
  • Team: to review KPI-02 issue

Next meeting
