Meeting 2021 10 15 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 15 October 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Ján Osusky
  • Julia Sieland
  • Steve Olson
  • Xinqiang Han
  • Anna Milan


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)

  2. Secretariat updates

    1. (Anna) need small team to define common approaches between WIGOS and WIS
    2. (Anna) need to start looking at how to integrate the KPIs into the WIS Guide and/or Manual
  3. WCMP 2.0

  4. issue sweep as time permits


  • (AM) Talked about the need for a small team to develop common approach for WIGOS and WIS metadata. (GA) we should focus first on the approach for licensing, put as much as possible in the metadata or reference an authoritative statement? Guillaume and Julia will represent TT-WISMD (thank you!)
  • (AM) Talked about the need to start thinking about where/how the KPIs are published in the WIS Guide/Manual and have a proposal by early Autumn 2022 to present to INFCOM in November 2022
  • (TK) Talked about the discussions underway on how to publish the WCMP 2.0, varying from how the WIS 2 manuals/guides will be published to how the metadata model is organized. (All) Discussions about how to organize the git repository. There was a decision to create a new repository for WCMP2 and Tom will set up, move some of the issues over. WCMP2 will be developed with AsciiDoc and Tom will put together some broad metadata categories
  • (GA) would like to see a list of URLs on where to get the OGC schemas
  • The team discussed topics captured in issue 101.
  • WIS/WIGOS cross metadata topic volunteers (Guillaume and Julia)


  • Anna/Enrico: follow up with ET-OM members to encourage them to use the KPIs, and/or identify the primary host
  • Anna: coordinate Tiger team on shared WIS/WIGOS metadata issues Guillaume/Julia will represent TT-WISMD
  • Anna: create repository for WCMP2 (
  • Tom: create WCMP 2.0 skeleton document in new repo
  • Tom: create a table to provide a summary of metadata standard evaluations, to be reviewed updated by the team
  • Tom: provide information on which OGC schemas to use
  • Tom: gather W2AT feedback on support of GTS as we evolve into WIS 2.0
    • ET-W2AT mailing list
    • discussion with Enrico

Next meeting
