Meeting 2021 11 26 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 26 November 2021 13h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Julia Sieland
  • Xinqiang Han
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. Secretariat updates
    1. WMO Unified Data Policy
      • core data
      • recommended data
  3. WCMP 2.0
  4. issue sweep as time permits


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
    • The team walks through the actions and keeps the unfinished ones open for the next meeting. The team approves the minutes.
  2. Secretariat updates
    • 2.1. WMO Unified Data Policy
    • Discussion
      • Tom: we should also consider other code lists
      • Anna: GRIB and BUFR tables to be updated on the; wmdr codes, scripts TTL to upload to the registry, reflecting; vocabulary table, numerical
      • Tom: to discuss the granularity at the next meeting
  3. WCMP 2.0
    • 3.1 OGC API - Records status/timeline
      • (Tom) Timeline for OGC API: it is planned to present the draft version 1.0 of the standards at the first quarter of 2022, which means it will be developed next March and then for the public to review it. The target is to be ready by the end of 2022.
      • Target for WCMP2.0: (Anna) the date INFCOM session II is not yet decided (in November 2022). What documents are requested to be prepared for INFCOM session needs clarification from Enrico.
      • (Tom) The MoU between OGC and WMO was circulated in 2009, at the next OGC meeting, Enrico will present the relationship between OGC and WMO.
    • 3.2 document status/overview (
      • (Tom) makes a brief introduction on the document into different docs. Call for the team to review it and make comments.
    • 3.3 discussion
    • 3.4 Codelists assessment (
      • Anna will help create a repository for the codelists for WCMP2
  4. issue sweep as time permits
    • Not discussed


  • Tom: create a table to provide a summary of metadata standard evaluations, to be reviewed updated by the team (from last meeting)
  • Anna/Enrico: clarification on the documents for WCMP 2.0 be prepared for the INFCOM session II
  • all team to review the wcmp2 repository
  • Anna: to create a new repository for WCMP2 codelists

Next meeting
