Meeting 2021 09 22 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Wednesday 22 September 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Ján Osusky
  • Steve Olson
  • Xinqiang Han

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile
  • Hassan Haddouch
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen
  • Yuki Honda
  • Eunha Lim
  • Yuheng He


  • Julia Sieland


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. TT-WISMD tools use by ET-OM update (Tom/Ján)
  3. gmd:fileIdentifier KPI (Ján)
  4. Wikimedia meeting redux
  5. GDPFS portal metadata guidance
  6. WCMP 2.0
  7. issue sweep as time permits


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
    • The team approved the minutes.
    • Guillaume, issue 101, Tom to schedule a meeting with Guillaume regarding WCMP 2.0
    • (Enrico) CGMS, which metadata standard is the satellite community using and to be adopted into WIS2.0.
    • (Guillaume) CSMS Task Force on Metadata, it is time to bring satellite data to WIS 2.0 system
    • (Enrico) Decision: Tom to present a brief introduction to metadata discovery at the beginning of the CSMS session to highlight the value of metadata in WIS2.0. All the team is invited to join the session too.
    • (Enrico) CGMS cloud technology workshop will be held in February 2022
  2. TT-WISMD tools use by ET-OM update (Tom/Ján)
    • (Tom) no update from Thorsten and Kenji, will continue to follow up on this issue
    • (Enrico) to organize a meeting to discuss it
  3. gmd:fileIdentifier KPI (Ján)
  4. Wikimedia meeting redux
    • (Tom) pilot project(wikimedia-pilot) integrating the station metadata from OSCAR surface, Tom created a project charter Anna create a GitHub repository
    • (Guillaume) to provide the metadata records that can process, no data harvesting for wikimedia
  5. GDPFS portal metadata guidance
    • Yuki team (Yuki, Eunha, and Yuheng) make a brief self-introduction
    • Yuheng present Discussion on GDPFS product metadata guidance
    • (Enrico) first time to see the metadata being used in a project, GDPFS guidance, satellite operators do not send metadata into WIS, repository, build a catalogue.
    • (Tom) Portal is great, the use of the metadata. Acronyms, broken links, are all included in the metadata KPI. NWP metadata to WIS, timely for DCPC, issues around, WCMP 2.0, the important point is a dataset, granularity, dimensions to NWP, clarify what the architecture, catalogue, dimensions are downstream, data access, global model, data access by forecast hour, granularity, controlled vocabulary, we can work together. With the requirements, our teams will work together with you.
    • (Anna) Informative presentation. Take an action for the TT. DescriptiveKeyWords, solution, workable or not? Because there are many programmes in WMO.
    • (Guillaume) Granularity is linked to GTS structure. Detached GTS is important to WIS 2.0 design. Good metadata is addressed partly metadata KPI. Catalogue to allow data providers to present in a proper way to users. Both data Discovery and data presentation are important. Define the typical search for the content in KPI.
    • (Steve) Issues exist for years. Consistency is another factor. GISC centres are inconsistent. WIS2.0 guidance for consistent vocabulary. A cookbook for WIS2.0 metadata.
    • (Enrico) KPI should be implemented properly. To discuss the GDPFS mandatory product. Joint meeting needed?
    • (Yuki) SC-ESMP meeting in October. The Portal will be published by the end of this year. To raise the issue to develop the vocabulary in the next SC-ESMP meeting. Common terminology among GDPFS products can be done at the current stage.
    • (Enrico) the catalogue is not maintained by the Secretariat, can be only provided by the producers. Portal is a short-term solution. The concern is the satellite community. What we can do is to clarify the usefulness of having a catalogue in a good shape. Then we will improve the catalogue. WIGOS MD standards were moved to WIS.
    • (Tom) Make some movements, eg. pywcmp to be used as a functional test.
    • (Yuheng) An internal review is in progress.
    • (Jan) To contact the producers to improve the metadata quality
    • (Hassan) Producers play a key role to maintain the metadata quality and update the catalogue.
  6. WCMP 2.0
    • Not discussed
  7. issue sweep as time permits
    • Not discussed


  • All
  • Enrico
    • to schedule a meeting for TT-WISMD tools use by ET-OM
  • Guillaume
    • to work together with Tom to initiate the document for WCMP migration

Next meeting
