Meeting 2021 08 27 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 27 August 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis
  • Guillaume Aubert
  • Ján Osusky
  • Julia Sieland
  • Steve Olson
  • Xinqiang Han
  • Enrico Fucile
  • Anna Milan
  • Xiaoxia Chen


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. TT-WISMD tools presentation to ET-OM (2021-07-08) (Tom/Ján)
  3. WIS Guide Part V update (Anna)
  4. gmd:fileIdentifier KPI (Ján)
  5. Wikimedia meeting
  6. WCMP 2.0
  7. issue sweep as time permits


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)

  2. TT-WISMD tools presentation to ET-OM (2021-07-08) (Tom/Ján)

    • Jan prepared a good demo
    • (Gillaume) Metadata monitoring
    • (Tom) KPI is valuable for the metadata monitoring, action: reach out to Thorsten about the comments
    • (Enrico) Recommends putting Kenji from JMA who is leading the TT-GISC in cc for comments; to raise this topic at the next TT-GISC meeting
  3. WIS Guide Part V update (Anna)

    • it is decided not to submit through this FT.
    • it may be delayed in order to publish these changes with the combination with other amendments.
    • (Tom) how about other TT work in this area?
      • (Anna) For example, for TT on Table-driven code formats, Manual on Code (vI.2) all in .csv in GitHub, and the manual be updated in word version
    • The team thanks Julia's contribution in WIS Guide Part V
  4. gmd:fileIdentifier KPI (Ján)

    • (Jan) update (issue 121): to keep a list updated would be difficult, the identifier to validate. Two entries with the same file identifier are checked via this tool. Action, to add more functions such as the metadata contributors.
    • (Tom) there are two scopes, one for KPI scope, the other for catalog analysis. Action: Tom to merge the issue and to create an issue on pywcmp
    • (Enrico) WIS is not a system for everyone to publish.
    • (Guillaume) to provide a report, contributor, and metadata contributors
  5. Wikimedia meeting

    • (Tom) Gives an overview of the meeting background. Wikimedia, TT-WIGOSMD are also invited. To circulate the slides to the TT.
    • (Enrico) Climate datasets to publish, a workshop in September, EU to develop climate services in LDCs. Now it is ready to publish in WIS. Wikimedia won't be the right place for climate data. Any preparation needed before the meeting? (Tom: no time)
    • (Guillaume) asked whether the discussion of the meeting is to find the possible solutions for the climate datasets publish (yes)
  6. WCMP 2.0

    • (Tom) OGC API, stack standard, clarification about metadata standards. Stack community, the relationship between the standards. In WIS2.0 architecture, stack representation. For discovery metadata, OGC API is applicable to move forward. OGC API records specification, no need to publish as simple files, lower barrier for data publisher. OGC API 2022 Q1 for public RFC.using metadata without using API. COnforamnce class, basic catalog, API. 2nd case is in WIS 2.0. OGC side, discussion with Google colleagues about the search and metadata discovery. structured data, publish metadata automatically, google is not the only search.
    • (Steve) Google uses the structured data, recommends sharing the document with the TT. There is a plan to have a discussion with Amazon. Controlled vocabularies, additional tools are designed for the specific areas. Focus on simple use cases.
    • (Guillaume), google dataset searching. Asks for the reason to apply both OgcAPI and stack representation. (Tom: because of the granularity of metadata discovery)
    • (Tom) discovery metadata will be the core requirement, the stack representation will be the next step.
    • (Enrico) Is it simpler metadata? (Team: YES) An easy entry point is required.
    • (TOM) to apply the standards into QGIS(open tool) having search capability as a demo.
      • (Julia) Question: Is multi-languages possible? For example, one in English and the other in German would be preferred.
      • (Julia) Question: version management?
      • Action: to provide comments on issue 101
    • (Steve) Will share the feedback after the session in October.
    • (Team) to add comments
  7. issue sweep as time permits

    • Not discussed


  • ALL
    • to add comments on issue 101 (recommendation on future of WCMP)
  • Guillaume
    • to work together with Tom to initiate the document for WCMP migration
  • Tom
    • to send the the TT-WISMD July presentation to ET-OM to TT-WISMD
    • check ET-OM/TT-GISC status of tools evaluation in support of GISC discovery metadata quality assessment
    • to share the Wikimedia presentation (ECCC application) with the team before the meeting on Sept.7
    • to merge KPI-13 (gmd:fileIdentifier) issue-120 branch on wmo-im/wcmp
    • to open issue on pywiscat for metrics reporting (record per contributor) DONE
  • Julia
  • Jan
    • to add more functions in KPI-013 File identifier such as the metadata contributors

Next meeting
