Meeting 2021 06 04 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Friday 04 June 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (ECCC)
  • Ioannis Mallas (ECMWF)
  • Ján Osusky (IBL)
  • Julia Sieland (DWD)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Enrico Fucile (WMO Secretariat)
  • Anna Milan (WMO Secretariat)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO Secretariat)


  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Hanane Kamil (Morocco)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. ET-Metadata/TT-WISMD Membership updates (Tom)
  3. Scoring rubric pywcmp demo (Ján)
  4. WIS Guide Part V update (Julia)
  5. WIS NWP assessment report tool update (Ján)
  6. WMO Metadata and Search Workshop update (Tom)
  7. issue sweep as time permits


1. ET-Metadata/TT-WISMD Membership updates (Tom)

Ioannis introduced himself as a temporary replacement for Marta Guttierez and Tom mentioned that Steve Olson (NOAA) is also a new member of the team.

2. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)

The team reviewed previous actions and approved the minutes.

3. Scoring rubric pywcmp demo (Ján)

  • Ján showed the rubric scoring results for the rubric (pywcmp) with and without grouping.
  • Julia mentioned that Antje really likes it and might have an implementation available by next week. When the record doesn't comply 100% with WCMP profile, it gets a grade "U" for un-complete.
  • (EF) Do we have a plan for how we are going to implement this? Outside of the DWD implementation? The Expert Team on Monitoring is made of GISC members and they can decide how to implement the monitoring and there should be an active effort to let people know.
  • ACTION: Guillaume to review/approve.
  • ACTION: Tom will get in touch with Kai and Thorsten.

4. WIS Guide Part V update (Julia)

  • Julia talked about some of the changes. The initial base version was merged into Master.
  • ACTION: Tom/Julia create a branch for just the guide for comparison when building amendments manually. Julia will tag Anna when there are specific URL questions.

5. WIS NWP assessment report tool update (Ján)

  • (EF) Colleagues are standardizing the GDPFS names, but will probably not match what is in the catalog. We need to get a list of producers and map to what is in the catalog. Can we get a list of all the producers of GRIB?
  • (Tom) we can download, look for all FM-92/GRIB and find out who provided it.
  • Jan presented the results based on a simple SRU alternatively, alternatively, we can download and search locally. ** ACTION (Jan/Tom) continue researching

6. WMO Metadata and Search Workshop update (Tom)

  • Tom and Enrico discussed metadata formats, search requirements, and other WIS-related topics. Next should produce a recommendation for WIS2 groups.

  • (EF) There is a WIS2 space in Confluence and there is a space for demo projects.

  • (Tom) we need to determine the standard that WIS2 should support, in particular, stick with ISO or not? We need to look at WIS2 in terms of mass-market and lowering the barrier. What are the considerations for backward compatibility? (Team thoughts) depends on ISO and usage of XML; keep it simple;

  • (EF) it will be implemented in phases and it is not in the short term. We should have a decision on what to do and where to go by the end of this year so we can present an early draft to INFCOM in the spring of 2022. Starting new, not evolving the old. Migration may be difficult or may require republishing from the users. The idea is for a more service-based approach with fewer records and a better search experience for the user. The various domains need to be searchable, ex. GDPFS, Ocean...

  • (Tom) Has anyone reviewed DCAT from W3C? One of the core pieces of WIS2 is that the browser is a key search mechanism.

  • ACTION all take a look at DCAT and other standards if possible (issue

  • (Jan) it would be interesting to translate an existing record to other formats to see if they meet current requirements. (Tom) core information in a WCMP record is pretty light and should translate without issues.

  • (Tom) we need to look at other standards too. We need to provide justification for our choice. The OGC API record standard for catalogs is heavily based on DCAT. And we need feedback from WIS2 on categories and granularity.

  • (Anna) need to take WIGOS into consideration, what we are doing differently or how can we interact? (Jan) WIGOS describes the observing stations and WIS as a lot broader scope. They can link to each other.

  • (EF) this is related to the granularity. We should not merge WIGOS (stations and observations) and WIS2 (products and services). Jan pointed out that more than half of the catalog is populated with GTS Bulletins. It would also be useful to analyze the current catalog.

7. issue sweep as time permits


Next meeting
