Meeting 2021 06 22 - wmo-im/tt-wismd GitHub Wiki


Tuesday 22 June 2021 11h UTC


MS Teams


  • Tom Kralidis (ECCC)
  • Guillaume Aubert (EUMETSAT)
  • Ján Osusky (IBL)
  • Julia Sieland (DWD)
  • Xinqiang Han (CMA)
  • Enrico Fucile (WMO Secretariat)
  • Anna Milan (WMO Secretariat)
  • Xiaoxia Chen (WMO Secretariat)


  • Ioannis Mallas (ECMWF)
  • Steve Olson (NOAA)
  • Hanane Kamil (Morocco)


  1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
  2. WMO email groups (Anna) - tt-wismd at
  3. ET-Metadata/TT-WISMD Membership updates (Tom)
  4. pywcmp engagement with ET-OM (Tom)
  5. New wiki pages (Tom)
  6. WIS Guide Part V update (Julia)
  7. pywiscat presentation / demo ( (Tom/Ján)
  8. WIS presentation at OGC MetOceanDWG and next version of WCMP
  9. issue sweep as time permits


  • the team reviewed the actions from the last meeting and Anna presented the new email group to TT-WISMD. Tom will use this to send out the meeting minutes.
  • Tom briefly presented the new GitHub wiki pages for tools and the WIS Catalog analysis. The team is invited to contribute.


1. Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)

2. WMO email groups (Anna)

  • Group email list, you can also unsubscribe the email if you leave
  • WMO Secretariat and Team Lead is the administrators of the group
  • for more information
  • tt-wismd at

3. ET-Metadata/TT-WISMD Membership updates (Tom)

  • Steve will join us when he is available today

4. pywcmp engagement with ET-OM (Tom)

5. New wiki pages (Tom)

  • (Tom) for tools, currently there are all python related. To invite TT to add to the list
  • (Tom) for catalogue, there are wis 1.0 available. WIS 2.0: TBD
  • (Tom/Anna) to add the links to the tools provided by GISCs
  • (Enrico) have a discussion (Guillaume, Tom, Ján and others from other teams) to have some input, the goal is metadata management
  • ACTION (all) to add to the list on wiki/Tools page
  • ACTION (Tom) to add the links to the tools provided by GISCs
  • ACTION (Guillaume) to add the link of OpenWIS implementation

6. WIS Guide Part V update (Julia)

  • (Anna) not to direct to old wis wiki page, or to, the idea is to move to wcmp schema page.

  • (Ján) to close the pull/request

  • (Julia) to send the summary of the changes bullets to Anna for reviewing the changes

  • (Anna) to update all the URLs, decision was to do nothing, and to focus on developing WIS2 standards

  • Decision: do not merge the branch currently

  • ACTION (Julia) to send the summary of the changes bullets to Anna for reviewing the changes

7. pywiscat presentation / demo ( (Tom/Ján)

  • the requirement from Enrico is to assess the WIS 1.0 catalogue for availability of NWP data
  • Ján and Tom developed the tool-pywiscat
  • ACTION Ján to update the tool by grouping the URL

8. WIS presentation at OGC MetOceanDWG and next version of WCMP

  • to discuss in next meeting

9. issue sweep as time permits

  • deferred to next meeting


  • Guillaume: to add the link of OpenWIS implementation on the wiki tools page
  • Tom: to add the links to the tools provided by GISCs on the wiki tools page
  • Julia: send the summary of the changes bullets of WIS Guide Part V to Anna for reviewing the changes
  • Ján: to update the tool (pywiscat) by grouping the URL

Next meeting
