First Data Job - vmware/versatile-data-kit GitHub Wiki

VDK helps you develop, test, and debug Data Jobs on your local PC/laptop.

The purpose of this page is to go over the anatomy of a Data Job and walk you through a simple Hello World example.

Install VDK

pip install quickstart-vdk

Note that Versatile Data Kit requires Python 3.7+.

See the Installation page for more details.

Familiarize with vdk

VDK has very good help. See the list of all commands with:

vdk --help

Or details on each command with

vdk [command-name] --help 

Develop your first Data Job

In this section, we will run a simple Data Job with VDK, and then we'll see the results of the run.

Create Data Job

vdk create -n hello-world -t my-team

This will create a data job locally. See vdk create --help for details on what each argument does.

If you have Control Service installed, it will also register/create it in the cloud. But let's leave this part for later.

You will see that the Data Job was created with some sample files with instructions. Feel free to browse the sample files to learn more.

Data Job files

Data Job directory can contain any files. However, some files are treated in a specific way:

  • SQL files (.sql) - called SQL steps - are directly executed as queries against a database.
  • Python files (.py) - called Python steps - are Python scripts that define a run function that takes as an argument the job_input object.
  • config.ini is needed to schedule a job.
  • requirements.txt is needed when your Python steps use external Python libraries.

Edit Data Job

Now we will change the data job to print "hello world" only. The new file structure will be like this:


The name of the Data Job is defined by the name of the directory. In this case, we have named the Data Job: hello-world is a Python step that will print "HELLO WORLD" to the console.

Data Job Source

Why is the name of this Python step prefixed with 10?

VDK supports having many Python and/or SQL steps in a single Data Job. Steps are executed in ascending alphabetical order based on file names.
Prefixing file names with numbers makes it easy to have meaningful names while maintaining steps execution order.

Delete the sample files created by the previous step and create a single file,, with the following content:

def run(job_input):
    print("\n", "HELLO WORLD", "\n")

A function named run is required for a Python script to be recognized as a Data Job Python step.

VDK provides an object to every Python step - job_input - that has methods for:

  • executing queries against a database;
  • ingesting data into a database;
  • processing data into a database.
  • See the job_input documentation for more details.

Run Data Job Locally

  1. Make sure you have created the Data Job directory containing the Python step from above.

  2. Run the Data Job from a Terminal.

vdk run <path to Data Job directory>
  1. Upon successful execution of a Data Job, you will see these logs in the console:
Hello World Job logs
Data Jobs Development Kit (VDK)
Version: 0.0.10
Build details: RELEASE_VERSION=0.0.10, BUILD_DATE=Fri Jul 16 16:18:31 UTC 2021, BUILD_MACHINE_INFO=Darwin 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Mon Apr 12 20:57:45 PDT 2021; root:xnu-6153.141.28.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64, GITLAB_CI_JOB_ID=, GIT_COMMIT_SHA=2a09fe5ec47474ff59e8f6b575758756d90a2cb9, GIT_BRANCH=person/aivanov/current
Installed plugins:
vdk-control-service-properties (from package vdk-plugin-control-cli, version 0.1.2)
vdk-plugin-control-cli (from package vdk-plugin-control-cli, version 0.1.2)
vdk-trino (from package vdk-trino, version 0.1.3)
Run job with directory versatile-data-kit/examples/hello/hello-world

2021-07-25 16:36:57,306=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [DEBUG] vdk.internal.builtin_plugins.con initialize_job [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Initialized logging for log type LOCAL. 2021-07-25 16:36:57,306=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [INFO ] vdk.internal.properties_plugin initialize_job [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Properties API is configured without authentication 2021-07-25 16:36:57,306=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [WARNI] vdk.internal.properties_plugin initialize_job [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Plugin control service properties is installed but required configuration (PROPERTIES_API_URL) is not passed.Control Service based properties will not be setup. 2021-07-25 16:36:57,306=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [DEBUG] run_step [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Processing step ... 2021-07-25 16:36:57,308=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [INFO ] run_python_step [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Entering ...


2021-07-25 16:36:57,308=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [INFO ] run_python_step [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Exiting SUCCESS 2021-07-25 16:36:57,308=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [DEBUG] run_step [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Processing step completed successfully 2021-07-25 16:36:57,308=1627220217[VDK] hello-world [INFO ] run_job [OpId:1627220217-19b6bb-5b0632]- Data Job execution summary: { "data_job_name": "hello-world", "execution_id": "1627220217-19b6bb", "start_time": "2021-07-25T13:36:57.306486", "end_time": "2021-07-25T13:36:57.308373", "status": "success", "steps_list": [ { "name": "", "type": "python", "start_time": "2021-07-25T13:36:57.306514", "end_time": "2021-07-25T13:36:57.308346", "status": "success", "details": null, "exception": null } ], "exception": null }

What's next?

You have created your first data job. You now know what a data job is. What is the structure of a data job, and how to run a data job?

Now you can jump on more interesting examples like

➡️ Next Section: Examples

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