Area Docs - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Area Documents for TorilMUD

Before beginning work on your zone idea, please contact a staff member for approval! A listing of the areas staff emails can be found in game by typing help email.

These documents provide the necessary information for the creation and editing of the files needed to create an area on TorilMUD. A typical area, or zone, contains four or five minimum files consisting of the following: <zone_name>.zon (now <zone_name>.config and <zone_name>.tpl), <zone_name>.mob, <zone_name>.wld, and <zone_name>.obj.

The <zone_name>.zon file (or the <zone_name>.config and <zone_name>.tpl files if you're using the new zone system) contain the functions of an area.

The <zone_name>.mob file contains all the information on the NPCs in an area.

The <zone_name>.wld file contains all the rooms in an area.

The <zone_name>.obj file contains all the objects in an area.

There are other files that can make up an area as well such as <zone_name>.shp, <zone_name>.qst, <zone_name>.soc, <zone_name>.pow, and <zone_name>.squad.

The <zone_name>.shp file handles all the shops in an area.

The <zone_name>.qst file handles all the area's quests.

The <zone_name>.soc file contains all the non-quest interactions NPCs have.

The <zone_name>.pow file contains the special powers that may be made for NPCs and Objects within an area.

The <zone_name>.squad file contains the squad information for a zone.

These files are optional, but it is highly encouraged to add them to an area to make it feel more alive and give your players something to do.

Area Files

Area Files
Config File (New) Wld File Mob File Obj File
Shp File Qst File Soc File Pow File
Squad File Zon File (old)

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