gtchunk - themeldingwars/Documentation GitHub Wiki

.gtchunk files are used along with zone / gtzone and worldDir files.

They represent chunks, a playable piece of the game world.

They contain a version that must match the version the game is expecting.

A Chunk is made up of node layers and those nodes can have sub layers. Some nodes are compressed as well.

Load order of chunk from client:
  • Importing chunk from serialized data...
  • Imported file does not appear to be a world file
  • You need to use a more current version of the software. Try SVN update with appropriate Loading chunk file v. (code built for v.)
  • Invalid number of physics material ids
  • Failed to read world chunk data
  • Error while loading MOPP data:
  • ...chunk loading succeeded.


The chunk format contains a small index of data at the top followed by several compressed blocks of data.

The index is parsed on map load, and the offsets of the compressed blocks of data are stored.

The compressed blocks represent chunk data at different levels of detail, and are loaded and unloaded on demand.

The chunks all store the data in the following order, with offsets included in the index:
LOD-0 Shared Data
LOD-0 SubChunk 0x0 Data
LOD-1 Shared Data
LOD-1 SubChunk 0x0 Data
LOD-2 Shared Data
LOD-2 SubChunk 0x0 Data
LOD-2 SubChunk 1x0 Data
LOD-2 SubChunk 0x1 Data
LOD-2 SubChunk 1x1 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 0x0 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 1x0 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 2x0 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 3x0 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 0x1 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 1x1 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 2x1 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 3x1 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 0x2 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 1x2 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 2x2 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 3x2 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 0x3 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 1x3 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 2x3 Data
LOD-3 SubChunk 3x3 Data
LOD-4 Shared Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x0 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x1 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x2 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x3 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x4 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x5 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x6 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 0x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 1x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 2x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 3x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 4x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 5x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 6x7 Data
LOD-4 SubChunk 7x7 Data

Levels of detail and SubChunks

Chunks have 5 levels of detail. The levels of detail range from 0 to 4 with 0 being the lowest and 4 being the highest.

For each level of detail, the chunk format contains 1 "Shared" block of data, and 1 to several "SubChunks". At the highest level of detail, the chunk is segmented into 64 separate parts, while at the lowest level of detail, it is not segmented and the whole chunk is just 1 piece.

The level of detail partitions are as follows:

LOD SubChunks
0 1
1 1
2 4
3 16
4 64

As you traverse the game world, the game will dynamically load and replace chunks and SubChunks based on your distance and their bounding boxes.

At LOD 4, SubChunks are referred to in the following way in-game, with 0x0 representing the bottom left corner:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 0x7 1x7 2x7 3x7 4x7 5x7 6x7 7x7
6 0x6 1x6 2x6 3x6 4x6 5x6 6x6 7x6
5 0x5 1x5 2x5 3x5 4x5 5x5 6x5 7x5
4 0x4 1x4 2x4 3x4 4x4 5x4 6x4 7x4
3 0x3 1x3 2x3 3x3 4x3 5x3 6x3 7x3
2 0x2 1x2 2x2 3x2 4x2 5x2 6x2 7x2
1 0x1 1x1 2x1 3x1 4x1 5x1 6x1 7x1
0 0x0 1x0 2x0 3x0 4x0 5x0 6x0 7x0

Compressed data blocks

The data blocks are compressed, the shared blocks using Deflate and the SubChunk blocks using LZMA. This is indicated with the shared blocks using "DATA" as the magic and the SubChunk blocks using "DAT2".

Within the data blocks are layer/nodes parsed in the same manner as the root/index and zone layer, described in the next section.

Layer (node) Types

Index / Root

The following nodes only occur at the top of the file and describe where to find the rest of the data.

Name ID Parent Description
CHUNK 0x000400 (262144) Root node of the index.
CHUNK_LOD 0x010400 (262145) CHUNK Represents a LOD, contains offset and size for Shared Data.
CHUNK_SUBCHUNK 0x020400 (262146) CHUNK_LOD Represents a SubChunk, contains its offset, size and bounds.


The following nodes occur as part of the data blocks.

Name ID Description
CHUNK_TERRAIN 0x040100 (262400) Contains child nodes for the visual representation of the base terrain.
CHUNK_COLLISION1 0x040101 (262401) Only appears on LOD 3. Collision data for terrain and static objects. One node per SubChunk.
CHUNK_COLLISION3 0x040103 (262403) Only appears on LOD 3. Additional collision data, possibly for invisible blockers.
CHUNK_COLLISION2 0x040105 (262405) Only appears on LOD 3. Additional collision data, for water volumes and maybe more.
CHUNK_PROP 0x040200 (262656) Contains child nodes for additional elements to add such as lights, particle effects, audio, statically placed monster models, etc.
CHUNK_WATER 0x040208 (262664) Visual representation of certain water elements local to the chunk.
CHUNK_GEOMETRY 0x040210 (262672) Visual representation of static objects. Data within the nodes is split into 64 segments representing the full chunk area. At low LOD a single node will contain all segments while at higher LOD the nodes are split out over the SubChunks only containing their respective segments.
CHUNK_GEOMETRY2 0x40203 (262659) Like CHUNK_GEOMETRY with some minor differences

010 Editor Templates


  • Reader and Writer have been implemented in FauFau: GtChunk.cs
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