gtzone - themeldingwars/Documentation GitHub Wiki

In earlier versions of the game, the game shipped with .gtzone files instead of .zone as seen later.

V1189 shipped both and 12.gtzone, while V1297 shipped without a .gtzone equivalent.

The last version known to be using .gtzone is V1297. From V1384 all zones are .zone.

The .gtzone format appears practically identical to .zone, the differences are in the layer/node formats where some are slightly different in these older versions.


  • Firefall V1189 R29521v2 Client uses GTZone Version 7
  • Firefall V1297 R36412 Client uses GTZone Version 8

Builds 1234 - pre1297 use a Modified Version 7 when compared to 1189 Version 7 files. Builds 1297 and newer use Version 8 which appears to be either the same as Modified 7 or pretty similar to it. If identical unsure why the Version number would have taken so long to be changed.


See .zone format


Could not load zone: ZonePath not found in ini file.
Loading zone path %s
Did not find zone file %s
Could not open zone file %s
Invalid version number %i in zone file %s (expected %i)
Leaving zone %s
v %f %f %f
# %i vertices

vt %f %f %f
# %i texture vertices

vn %f %f %f
# %i vertex normals

g Layer:0
s 1
f %i%i%i%i%i%i %i%i%i
# %i faces

%u) %u points

Additional GTZone information from Firefall V1189 R29521v2 Client

Chunk %i_%04i_%04i exceeds maximum bounds size. Please run Scene Validator in Forge!          
Zone file timestamp did not match that of the server!                                         
Zone file timestamp did not match that of the server!                                         
Time to load map/zone file: %0.5f seconds\n                                                   
Unknown skybox layer of size %i                                                               
The zone contains an obsolete melding layer. Please rebake.                                   
Dropping obsolete environmental settings. Re-export zone to fix.                              
Unknown melding layer of size %i                                                              
Failed to load melding perimeter data                                                         
Failed to load path data                                                                      
Path with CCE id {0} has been read before. Deleting old version and replacing it with new one.
Failed to load water data                                                                     
Failed to load melding height map data                                                        
Unknown chunk info layer of size %i                                                           
Invalid layer ID in zone file %s                                                              
Could not load zone info buffer from file %s                                                  
Failed to load prop encounter name registry                                                   
Unknown zone layer of size %i                                                                 
The file %s is not a proper zone file                                                         
Cannot load preview zones unless in development mode                                          
Could not find or open the user's preview zone %s. Using all_users zone.                      
Preview user's zone %s is out-dated (ts=%lld). Using all_users zone (ts=%lld).                
Could not load zone: ZonePath not found in ini file.                                          
Loading zone path %s                                                                          
Did not find zone file %s                                                                     
Could not open zone file %s                                                                   
Invalid version number %i in zone file %s (expected %i)                                       
Leaving zone %s                                                                               
v  %f %f %f\n                                                                                 
# %i vertices\n\n                                                                             
vt  %f %f %f\n                                                                                
# %i texture vertices\n\n                                                                     
vn  %f %f %f\n                                                                                
# %i vertex normals\n\n                                                                       
g Layer:0\n                                                                                   
s 1\n                                                                                         
f  %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n                                                               
# %i faces\n\n                                                                                