User Interface - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
SpecLog's user interface consists of the following elements:
- Header: Displays information on your license.
- Tabs: The tabs at the top of the screen display the workspaces, requirements and search lists you currently have open. Click on a tab to display the corresponding element.
- Workspace: Workspaces are used to organise requirements, e.g. to create a story map, impact map or feature tree. A summary of the contents on the current workspace is displayed at the top (“X requirements (Y effort)”).
To navigate within a workspace, click on the workspace and drag the mouse to scroll, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Click and drag a requirement to reposition it. You can also navigate using the Navigator widget. - Workspaces widget: The Workspaces widget lists all workspaces that are part of your project. Enter text in the search field to restrict the list to only those workspaces that contain the string you have entered. Double-click on a workspace in the list to open it (in a new tab).
You can also add workspaces from here by selecting New workspace from the menu (/ScreenShots/GettingStarted/WidgetMenu.png). Click on the arrow to the right of a workspace to access various workspace options (open, delete, rename, duplicate). - Requirements widget: The Requirements widget lists all requirements that are part of your project (on any workspace). Enter text in the search field to restrict the list to only those requirements that contain the string you have entered (either in their name, as a tag or in their acceptance criteria).
Double-click on a requirement in the list to open it (in a new tab) and view the details of the requirement. You can display requirements as a list or as a tree using the menu (/ScreenShots/GettingStarted/WidgetMenu.png), as well as delete requirements and open a search list.
You can also open and delete requirements by clicking on the arrow (/ScreenShots/GettingStarted/MenuArrow.png) to the right of the requirement. - New Requirement widget: You can add new requirements from the New Requirement widget. Double-click on a requirement type (e.g. Business Goal, Impact) to add a new requirement of that type to the current workspace, or drag the requirement from the widget to the workspace to place the requirement on the workspace.
Hold your mouse cursor over the information icon to display more information on the requirement type. You can also use the menu ([/ScreenShots/GettingStarted/WidgetMenu.png]]) to add requirements as well as edit [card templates. - Navigator widget: The Navigator widget displays an overview of the current workspace, with the blue box indicating the current view. Click outside the blue box to centre the view at that location. Click and drag the blue box to scroll the view.
Use the slider below the overview to change the zoom factor. Click on ScreenShots/NavigatorZoomToUsedWorkspaceIcon.png to set the zoom level to display all requirements on the workspace. Click on ScreenShots/NavigatorZoomToFullScaleIcon.png to zoom in to the maximum level (100%).
The following options are available from the menu (/ScreenShots/GettingStarted/WidgetMenu.png):- Hide/show relations: Toggles whether the arrows connecting related requirements are displayed on the workspace
- Turn on/off high contrast mode: Toggles the workspace’s display between high contrast mode and normal mode.
- Menu: The main menu contains options used to manage repositories (e.g. open, create), import repositories (Excel) and export repositories (Excel, Word, HTML, XPS), as well as to access the online SpecLog documentation.
- Toolbar: Click on an entry in the toolbar (e.g. New Requirement) to hide or show the corresponding widget.
- Undo: Click on the Undo button to undo your last change.