Requirements Tool Widget - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
The Requirements widget provides access to the following functions for requirements in SpecLog:
- Open existing requirements, either by double-clicking or from the requirement's menu
- List and filter existing requirements
- Delete (multiple) existing requirements (use Ctrl and Shift to select multiple requirements)
- Drag (multiple) requirements to a workspace to add them to the workspace
- Drag requirements to the +NEW REFINEMENT or +NEW REQUIREMENT buttons in the requirement details to define a parent or child relationship with the currently displayed requirement
You can also select multiple requirements in Requirements widget. Ctrl+Click to select individual requirements. Click on a requirement and then Shift+Click on another requirement to select all requirements between the two:
The Requirements widget displays all requirements in your repository by default. Use the search field (Ctrl+F) at the top of the widget to filter the list to only include those requirements that match your search term. You can define complex queries using the SpecLog's query syntax.
Requirements on the current workspace and in the Navigator that match your search search criteria highlighted, whereas those that do not meet your criteria are faded out:
The Requirements widget displays the total number of requirements and the number of requirements that match your search term as well as the estimates in the footer:
You can also open a dedicated Search list to search for requirements. A search list displays more detailed information on the requirements that match your search criteria. To open a search list, select New List from the Requirement widget's menu:
###Displaying the Requirement Hierarchy
Select Show refinement tree from the Requirement widget's menu to display requirements in the Requirement widget hierarchically:
A root node is displayed for various requirement types. The root nodes list all requirements that do not have a parent of the same type. The All requirement roots node lists all requirements that do not have a parent.
Click on the small arrows to expand the tree view and drill down the hierarchy.
Click on the tag icon () to display and edit a requirement's tags: