Tool Widget - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
SpecLog includes four widgets that can be opened and closed from the widgets toolbar:
- New Requirement: Use this widget to add new requirements and customise card templates
- Navigator: Use this widget to zoom and navigate in the current workspace and to show/hide relationships between requirements on the workspace
- Workspaces: Use this widget to list, search for, open, rename, delete and add new workspaces
- Requirements: Use this widget to list, search for, open and tag requirements, as well as to drag requirements to a workspace open a new Search List
Use the widgets toolbar to hide/show individual widgets:
Click on a widget's name to toggle whether it is displayed or not. Widgets that are available in the current tab but not currently open are displayed with white text.
The sate of each widget is stored for each type of tab (workspace, search list, requirement details) in the local repository file and restored when reopening the repository. Note that the Navigator and New Requirement widgets are only available for workspaces, and unavailable widgets are automatically disabled.
### Docking WidgetsYou can dock widgets to the side of the screen, in which case they remain docked when resizing the main window.