New in version 1.8 - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
Version 1.8.118, released on 9th of August 2013
Version 1.8.117, released on 5th of August 2013
Version 1.8.109, released on 24th of July 2013
New features:
- Export requirements to a searchable HTML document
- Synchronization with JIRA
- Show total number and number of found requirements with estimate sum on workspace, in requirements tool widget and in search list
- See actual user in TFS who modified requirement in SpecLog (Impersonation for TFS synchronization)
- Search with leading wild card is now possible
- Performance improvements for server command history
- Updates to the same requirement or acceptance criterion are merged to the same TFS command
- Warning when opening a client with a shared repository
- Links to requirements in Word Export can now be navigated
- Different indicator for server connection error and synchronization error
- Warning when attachment or pasted image is larger than 1 MB
Bugfixes and changes
- Health monitoring and error resolution for SpecLog server plugins
- Improvements in robustness of TFS synchronization plugin
- Maximum length for requirement fields is now enforced also in the UI
- Repositories with "-" in the name can now be managed with SpecLog.AccessManager
- Correct rendering of line-breaks in description synchronized to TFS work items
- New acceptance criteria added with Ctrl-N after current when cursor is positioned in acceptance criterion body
- Search filter in requirements tool widget is preserved when switching tabs
- Formatting of acceptance criteria was broken when copying them to another requirement
- Card prefix was not kept when adding a new requirement template
- Requirements with parents of another type were displayed as root in refinement tree of requirements tool widget
- Various other usability fixes
- Upgrade to SQLite v1.0.87.0
- Fixed out of memory exception on initial indexing of requirements
Database schema changed:
This release requires the server database schema to be upgraded. Please refer to the upgrading the server section for further details.
Please note that you need to upgrade server and client: version 1.8 clients are NOT able to connect to version 1.7 servers and vice-versa.
Upgrading from older releases than v1.7: Please review all release notes from previous releases!