Getting Started - source-chunk/chunk-picker-v2 GitHub Wiki

This page will serve as a guide for getting started on a new chunk account, and will cover setting up your account in-game, setting up the Region Locker plugin and Chunk Tasks plugin for Runelite, and setting up your Chunk Picker V2 map.

There is also a quickguide at the bottom of this page.


  1. In-Game Account
  2. Region Locker Plugin
  3. Chunk Tasks Plugin
  4. Chunk Picker V2 Map
  5. Quickguide

In-Game Account

Setting up your Oldschool Runescape account is very straightforward, and it will be set up exactly like a normal ironman account. This section of the guide mostly exists for completeness-sake.

  1. Head to, click the "New User? Sign up here" button, and follow the steps to create your account.
  2. Log-in to the game on Tutorial Island, and make your way through most of the tutorial, stopping before reaching the Magic Instructor.
  3. Make sure you talk to the Ironman Tutor and select the type of account desired.
    • Any account type will work, including non-ironman accounts, but 99% of Chunkers choose either Ironman or Hardcore Ironman.
  4. Complete the tutorial and spawn in Lumbridge.
  5. If your starting chunk is not the Lumbridge chunk, it's now time to head to your starting chunk.
    • Plan out how you're getting to your starting chunk, and make sure it is safe so you'll arrive to it alive.
    • Optionally, plan the route so that the least amount of other chunks are entered on the way there. This will keep your account more "pure", and will result in less music tracks being unlocked outside your chunk.
    • If your starting chunk is one locked behind a quest (like a Morytania starting chunk being locked behind Priest in Peril), make sure you do that now. If you plan on having any exceptions (like unlocking Herblore before starting), do those now as well.
    • If you're not sure what chunk to start in, don't worry! Picking a starting chunk will be covered at a later step on this page.

Your account should now be in your starting chunk and fully set up to start Chunking!

Region Locker Plugin

The Region Locker plugin for Runelite is an essential element of playing a Chunk account. Currently, the plugin is only available through Runelite, so any of the official clients, any other 3rd-party clients, and the mobile client are all unsupported right now.


Runelite is a 3rd-party client that allows you to play Oldschool Runescape with helpful client-side optimizations and plugins. The client is fully supported and allowed by Jagex, and is linked on their homepage in the sidebar. If you don't have Runelite, it can be downloaded from their site, or through the Jagex launcher.

After Runelite is installed, open the Plugin Hub via the sidebar, then install the Region Locker plugin.

Region Locker in the Plugin Hub

Once installed, navigate back to your installed plugins tab and make sure both the Region Locker plugin and the Region Locker GPU plugin are turned on. The Region Locker GPU plugin is the plugin that will darken locked chunks visually in the game. The Region Locker GPU plugin will not work if any other GPU plugins are turned on, including the default GPU plugin, the 117 HD plugin, or any other GPU-type plugin.


To configure the plugins, click the gear icon next to the plugin in your installed plugins tab.

The Region Locker GPU plugin has similar configuration options as the default GPU plugin, and can mostly be left alone.

The Region Locker plugin configurations can mostly be left alone as well, but if you want the visually darkened chunk, make sure that the "Locked chunk shader" option is enabled and the "Invert chunk shader" option is disabled.

An example of how the Region Locker plugin configurations might look

To unlock a chunk within the plugin, log in to the game and open your world map, then shift+left-click the chunk you want to unlock twice. Alternatively, you can enter the Chunk ID into the plugin configuration sidebar to unlock a chunk.

Chunk Tasks Plugin

The Chunk Tasks plugin for Runelite is an optional addition that allows your chunk tasks from the Chunk Picker website to be imported into Runelite. The plugin is still in active development, so there may be some issues with it still. Currently, the plugin is only available through Runelite, so any of the official clients, any other 3rd-party clients, and the mobile client are all unsupported right now.


Runelite is a 3rd-party client that allows you to play Oldschool Runescape with helpful client-side optimizations and plugins. The client is fully supported and allowed by Jagex, and is linked on their homepage in the sidebar. If you don't have Runelite, it can be downloaded from their site, or through the Jagex launcher.

After Runelite is installed, open the Plugin Hub via the sidebar, then install the Chunk Tasks plugin.

Chunk Tasks in the Plugin Hub

Once installed, navigate back to your installed plugins tab and make sure the Chunk Tasks plugin is turned on.


To configure the plugin, click the gear icon next to the plugin in your installed plugins tab.

The Chunk Tasks plugin configurations are fairly simple, and the main settings you'll need to modify is the entry for Chunk Picker Map Code. In the entry box, enter your Chunk Picker V2 mapcode, which is the 3-4 letters at the top of your Chunk Picker V2 map. If you haven't created a Chunk Picker map yet, come back to this step after completing the Getting Started guide. Make sure you enter your mapcode in all lowercase into the plugin configuration.

After setting up the plugin, open the plugin's side panel via the Curved Bone icon just below the Configurations wrench icon. Once in the panel, clicking the green refresh icon will fetch your chunk tasks from your Chunk Picker V2 map. If these tasks are not up-to-date, you'll need to log in to your Chunk Picker V2 map and recalculate your Active Tasks, then refresh the tasks in the plugin again.

The tasks in the plugin should be auto-detected when they complete for the most part, and can also be manually checked-off if they don't. Any tasks that are completed in the plugin do not transfer to your real Chunk Picker map, and will need to be manually checked-off on the website as well.

Chunk Picker V2 Map

The Chunk Picker V2 site is a website with many, many features, only some of which will be covered briefly in this guide. To learn more about the other features in-depth, visit the Features pages on this wiki, or visit the FAQ section of the wiki for common problems.

Map Creation

Start by heading to and clicking the "New Map" button. Create a password for your map that fits the criteria. Do not lose this password, as you will be unable to login to your map and you'll need to make a new map if you do. Once you've entered your password, click the "Create Map" button and click the link to go to your new map. Make sure you don't lose this link (it's recommended to bookmark this page).

Map Configuration

When you first login to your map using your password, a window will pop up asking you to set-up a few settings on your map. Go through each of the settings and pick the option that you want, and remember that you can always change these settings later on. On the second page, follow the instructions on entering your starting chunk ID. If you haven't decided on a starting chunk yet, enter 0000 as instructed.

After finishing with the set-up window, navigate to the right side of your map and click the "Chunk Rules" text to open the Rules window. This is where you will define what rules you want your account to follow, and will determine what tasks you must complete in each chunk. It is recommended that you select one of the rule presets (Vanilla/Xtreme/Supreme), and then click the "Show Detailed Rules" button just below and customize the ruleset with whatever rules you'd like. If you're not sure what preset to pick, it's recommended to pick Vanilla Chunker, and go from there.

After selecting your rules, close the Rules window and unlock your starting chunk. This can be done be left-clicking your starting chunk twice, and should result in a red border around it. From here, click the "Calculate Tasks" button at the top of the Active Chunk Tasks panel on the right side. Depending on your starting chunk, you may be asked to select which sections of the chunk you have access to. If you are asked, select in green all sections you have access to, and leave any sections you don't have access to blank (neither green nor red). After saving your selection, your chunk's tasks should now be shown in the sidepanel.

If you haven't decided on a starting chunk yet, now is the time to do so. Browse the map and look for a chunk that you think would be an interesting start based on the contents, the location, the tasks, or something else. Keep in mind if your starting chunk will have a bank or not, and if you care about that. Remember that you can left-click twice to unlock a chunk and calculate the tasks to see what tasks you might have if you started in that chunk, and then left-click the chunk again to re-lock it and try other ones as needed. If you can't decide, you can always click the "Random Start?" button at the top-left of your screen to have the website pick a random one for you.

If any tasks seem incorrect to you, make sure your Rules are set-up the way you'd like them to be. Your Rules can usually be customized in a way to make your tasks how you want them to be. If you've done so, and you believe the tasks are factually incorrect or just wrong, you can submit a Bug Report and let me know what you think is broken so I can fix it.

After checking off all your Active Tasks, it'll be time to roll a new chunk! You can mark other chunks as rollable by left-clicking each chunk; this will result in them turning green and being given a big number in the middle. After marking all the chunks you want as rollable, click the Pick Chunk button at the top-left of the map (or the Roll 2 button if you chose that setting) and do it all again with your new chunk added to your area!

Tips & Tricks

While I won't list out every feature of the website here, I will provide a couple of the most useful ones below:

  • If you've made an exception to complete a quest outside your chunks, make sure you manually add the quest to your map so that the website can calculate your tasks accordingly. This can be done by clicking the "Manually Add To My Chunks" text below your Active Tasks, clicking the "Tasks" text, and then checking-off the task for completing the quest in question.
  • If a task is too difficult and you want to wait to do it until a later point, the task can be Backlogged by clicking the sliders icon next to the chunk on your Active Tasks list, and then clicking Backlog.
  • If you ever need to adjust which sections of a chunk you have access to, you can do so via the Accessible Areas tab just below your Active Tasks, then by clicking the "sections" text and selecting the chunk you wish to modify. Do note that this is typically done automatically by the website and works in 99.9% of cases, so you should only be adjusting this if you think you messed something up, or you're correcting the website when you think it has it wrong.
  • If you want to add something from outside your chunks to your map (a wandering monster, items from a random event, etc.), you can do so by clicking the "Manually Add To My Chunks" text below your Active Tasks, clicking the "Items/Monsters/NPCs/Objects/Shops" text, and adding the desired 'thing'.
  • If you want to know how you're able to train a certain skill within your chunks, you can check by opening the Activity Info window via the button at the top-middle of the map, then clicking the "View Methods" text next to the skill in question.
  • If you have lamped a skill through random events, and want tasks for that skill to start showing up on your map because of that lamping, you can do so by opening the Activity Info window via the button at the top-middle of the map, then clicking the Edit icon next to the skill and entering your lamped level (and then recalculating tasks afterwards).
  • If you want more information on a chunk, including what monsters spawn within it, or what item spawns there are, just right-click the chunk and browse through the Chunk Info panel that appears on the left side of the screen.
  • Most importantly, if you want to mess around with anything on your map (the rules, rolling chunks, adding things to your chunks, etc.), you can enable Sandbox Mode by clicking the Cogwheel icon at the top-right of the screen and selecting the relevant option. When Sandbox Mode is enabled, none of the changes you do are saved, so you're free to mess around with your map, and then exit Sandbox Mode to restore things back to normal.

Please also see the FAQ for even more common problems and their solutions.


  1. Go to and make a new account.
  2. Make sure it's an ironman before leaving tutorial island (if you want it to be).
  3. Navigate your character to your starting chunk (if needed).
  4. Download Runelite if you don't have it already.
  5. Install the Region Locker plugin and turn it on. Unlock your starting chunk by shift-clicking the chunk on the world map.
  6. Optionally install the Chunk Tasks plugin and turn it on. Adjust the configurations appropriately.
  7. Go to and create a new map.
  8. Go through the introduction window, then select your Chunk Rules (and customize them as needed).
  9. Unlock your starting chunk, and mark other chunks as rollable, both by left-clicking chunks on the map.
  10. Click the "Calculate Tasks" button at the top of your Active Tasks panel, select the sections of your chunk you have access to (if asked).
  11. Check off tasks on the map as you complete them in-game, then click the "Pick Chunk" button when all tasks are checked-off.
  12. Repeat the process of checking off tasks and rolling a new chunk until your whole map is unlocked.
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