GrammarsStructure - skilchen/bots GitHub Wiki
Grammar Structure
Definition: the structure section in a grammar defines the sequence of records in a message.
A structure is required in a grammar except for template grammars.
Example of a simple structure:
structure = [
{ID:'ENV',MIN:1,MAX:999, LEVEL:[ #envelope record
{ID:'HEA',MIN:1,MAX:9999,LEVEL:[ #header record
{ID:'LIN',MIN:0,MAX:9999}, #line record
The example above should be read as:
ENV-record is required; max 999 repeats.
'Nested' under the ENV-record: HEA-record; per ENV max 9999 HEA-records; min is 1, so required.
Per HEA-record max 9999 LIN-records; the LIN-record is not required (MIN=0).
Example of a more elaborate structure:
structure = [
{ID:'ENV',MIN:1,MAX:1, LEVEL:[ #envelope record: max one per file
{ID:'HEA',MIN:1,MAX:9999,LEVEL:[ #header record of messageat least one message per ENV, max 9999 messages
{ID:'PAR',MIN:2,MAX:10}, #party record
{ID:'ALC',MIN:0,MAX:9}, #allowances/charges per message
{ID:'LIN',MIN:0,MAX:9999}, #line record
{ID:'TRL',MIN:1,MAX:1}, #each ENV record has a trailer record
A structure consists of
- A structure is a nested list of records.
- Each record is a python dict.
- per record:
- ID: tag of record.
- MIN: minimum number of occurrences.
- MAX: maximum number of occurrences.
- LEVEL (optional): indicate nested record. The nested records are in a list of records.
- QUERIES (optional)
- SUBTRANSLATION (optional). Very advanced. Purpose: identify separate messages within within a standard envelope.
QUERIES in a structure are used to extract values from edi files before the mapping script starts.
Example of an structure with QUERIES:
structure = [
{ID:'ENV',MIN:1,MAX:999, #envelope record
'frompartner': {'BOTSID':'ENV','sender':None}, #extract sender from ENV record.
'topartner': {'BOTSID':'ENV','receiver':None}, #extract receiver from ENV record.
'testindicator':({'BOTSID':'ENV'},{'BOTSID':'MESSAGE','test':None}), #extract testindicator from 'deeper' level; note that this is in tuple (with brackets).
{ID:'HEA',MIN:1,MAX:9999,LEVEL:[ #header record
{ID:'LIN',MIN:0,MAX:9999}, #line record
Use cases of the information extracted by QUERIES:
Think of frompartner, topartner, reference, testindicator etc.
to choose the right translation (QUERIES can extract frompartner, topartner, alt)
Update the database.
In a mapping script this information is
. -
data in the envelope can be accessed in the mapping.
One of the most import uses is the extraction of botskey.
Typical information extracted by QUERIES:
- frompartner
- topartner
- reference
- testindicator
- botskey
- alt