Plot Branches - shawna-p/mysterious-messenger GitHub Wiki


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Plot Branches

Example Files to look at: tutorial_8_plot_branches.rpy, route_setup.rpy

A brief overview of the steps required (more detail below):
  1. Use the List of Chatrooms tab in Script Generator.xlsx or refer to Setting up Sequential Chatrooms to set up your route. In the ChatHistory object that contains the chatroom after which you want the plot to branch, either fill in true or false to the plot branch column in the spreadsheet or ensure you have plot_branch=PlotBranch() in your definition.
  2. Define another list of RouteDay objects for the path the player will branch onto.
  3. After the chatroom with the plot branch, create another label with the chatroom label name + _branch e.g. label my_chatroom_branch.
  4. Put whatever criteria you are testing for in this label. You can then either write $ continue_route() to have the player continue down the main path of the route, or use $ merge_routes(my_route_bad_end) where my_route_bad_end is the path you defined in step 2.
  5. At the end of the label, write jump plot_branch_end.

To begin, you need to define a list of RouteDay objects for every path you want the user to be able to branch onto. For more on defining route branches, see Setting up Sequential Chatrooms. If you want the branch to have a title, the first item in the list should be a string like "Bob Good Ending".

To show the plot branch icon in-game, the ChatHistory object containing the chatroom before the plot branch must have plot_branch=PlotBranch() or plot_branch=PlotBranch(True).

If PlotBranch receives True as an argument, this indicates that the VN that should occur after the chatroom defined in this ChatHistory object should only appear after the player has proceeded through the plot branch. Otherwise, you do not have to include any arguments for the PlotBranch() object.

You will include the plot_branch argument after every ChatHistory object that has a chatroom you would like to branch after.

Plot Branches and Visual Novel Sections

If you only want a plot branch to occur after the player proceeds through the plot branch, one of two things must be done depending on the situation.

The VN occurs on the main path

If the plot branch occurs on the "main path" (aka the longest path in the game; likely the one you told the game to use in Creating an Opening Chatroom), then you simply need to ensure that the corresponding ChatHistory object has the argument plot_branch=PlotBranch(True). This will only unlock its corresponding VN after the player has proceeded through the plot branch.

The VN occurs on a branching path

If the branch you are trying to merge onto the main path has a VN that should appear after the player has proceeded through the plot branch, then the very first RouteDay object of that route's definition must have the argument branch_vn=VNMode('branch_label', ja) where 'branch_label' is the name of the label for that VN section, and ja is an optional argument that tells the program it should use the character ja's image on the VN icon. If not included, the program will simply show a default icon.

In practice, this looks like the following:

default bob_bad_end_1 = ["Bad Story End 1",
    RouteDay('7th', [ChatHistory(...),
             branch_vn=VNMode('bob_bad_story_end_1', b))]

In route_setup.rpy you can see an example of this in the definition for tutorial_bre.

Determining Which Route to Branch To

You need a way of telling the program which branching path to put the player on once they decide to go through the plot branch. You will tell the program what to do in the a label with the suffix '_branch'. So, if your chatroom is called

label my_chatroom:

then you will create a branch label

label my_chatroom_branch:

In tutorial_8_plot_branches.rpy there are many examples of functions under the label plot_branch_tutorial_branch that you might want to use to determine which route the player branches onto.

To change which route the player is on, you will either use the function call

$ continue_route()

which simply allows the player to continue along the "main" path, or you will use the function call

$ merge_routes(bob_route)

where bob_route is the name of the variable where you defined the route you want the player to branch onto.

Finally, end the '_branch' label with

jump plot_branch_end