Setting up Sequential Chatrooms - shawna-p/mysterious-messenger GitHub Wiki


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Setting up Sequential Chatrooms

A brief overview of the steps required (more detail below):
  1. Define a list of RouteDay objects. The first item in the list should be the name of the ending e.g. "Good End"
  2. The first field of a RouteDay object is the name of the day (e.g. "1st"), and then the second is a list of ChatHistory objects. Fill these out with the information for each chatroom
  3. Create a Route object and fill out its default_branch and optionally branch_list and route_history_title fields.
  4. In the Developer Settings, check Use custom route select screen.
  5. In screens_custom_route_select.rpy modify action Start() so to action Start("your_intro_label") where your_intro_label is the name of the label where the introduction is.
    1. See Creating an Opening Chatroom for more on creating a route introduction.
  6. Select Start Over from the Settings screen to test out your new route

To set up a route, you need to first define a list of RouteDay objects. You should create a new .rpy file for your definitions to keep organized. Each RouteDay object contains the information the program needs for one in-game Day. Go to route_setup.rpy to see an example definition called tutorial_good_end.

At its most basic level, your definition will look as follows:

default my_route_good_end = [ "Good End",
    # (...)

The first item in the list should be a string containing the name of the ending as it will appear in the History log. In this example, it is "Good End".

The rest of the items in the list are RouteDay objects. They have the following fields:

day, archive_list=[], day_icon='day_common2', branch_vn=False
Field Description Example
day A string containing the name of the day as it should show up in the chatroom timeline (e.g. "1st" appears in-game as "1st Day"). Note that a special icon appears over a day titled "Final". "1st"
archive_list A list of ChatHistory objects; see below [ChatHistory("Example Chatroom", "example_chat", "00:01")]
day_icon The icon to use for this day in the timeline. Defaults to 'day_common2'. Previously defined images can be found in variables_editable.rpy under the heading DAY SELECT IMAGES -- "day_common1" up to "day_z" can be used. "day_s"
branch_vn By default, this is False. Otherwise, it should contain a VNMode object. If this route is merged onto the main route during a plot branch, the VNMode object stored in branch_vn will appear after the chatroom immediately before the plot branch. VNMode('plot_branch_bre')

ChatHistory Objects

A ChatHistory object contains all the information needed for a single chatroom (plus its accompanying VN mode, phone calls, etc). You will need one ChatHistory object for every chatroom in your game.

title, chatroom_label, trigger_time, participants=[], vn_obj=False, plot_branch=False, save_img='auto'

The initialization fields are explained below.

Field Description Example
title The name of the chatroom as it should show up in the timeline. A string. "My chatroom title"
chatroom_label The name of the label to jump to for this chatroom. This is used for many things, such as phone call labels an VN labels. A string. "day_1_chatroom_1"
trigger_time The time this chatroom should trigger at. A string. This should be written in military time with leading zeroes, e.g. 1:00AM is written "01:00" and 1:38PM is written "13:38" "05:28"
participants Optional. A list of the ChatCharacter objects of the people who should be already present in the chatroom before the player enters. If left blank, no one starts in the chatroom. [ja, ju]
vn_obj Optional. Allows you to better customize the VNMode object associated with this chatroom. If not provided, the program will attempt to find appropriately labelled VN labels and create its own VNMode object. VNMode("my_vn_label", y)
plot_branch A PlotBranch object. Indicates if this chatroom should have a VN after it. A PlotBranch object only takes one argument -- a boolean telling it whether or not there is a VN that should only be shown after the plot branch has been proceeded through. By default, this is False. PlotBranch(True)
save_img The image that will appear in the save screen on the left when the player saves their game. This is usually an image indicating which route the player is on, if any. Previously defined images can be found in variables_editable.rpy under the heading SAVE & LOAD IMAGES. Note that you do not need the prefix "save_", as this is automatically added (so, "casual" will use the image save_casual). It is sufficient to use the character's file_id to get their save image e.g. "seven", "707", and "s" will all get you the same save image, save_seven. "casual"

If the ChatHistory object is not given a VNMode object, it will try to find a label with the correct naming scheme instead. However, in the event you want more control over the vn_obj field, you can define it yourself.

vn_label, who=None, party=False, trigger_time=False

These fields are explained below.

Field Description Example
vn_label The name of the label to jump to for this VN. A string. "my_vn_label"
who The ChatCharacter object of the character who this VN is associated with. Changes the image in the timeline. r
party True if this VN is the party, False otherwise. True
trigger_time Currently unused. May be used in the future to have VNs independent of chatrooms. False

The other thing you may use is a PlotBranch object to indicate the existence of a plot branch.


This field is explained below.

Field Description Example
vn_after_branch True if the chatroom this is attached to has a VN that should only be seen after the player has proceeded through the plot branch; False otherwise. True

A typical ChatHistory object, then, might look like the following:

ChatHistory("Welcome to the RFA!", "day_1_chatroom_1", "00:05", [s])

This defines a ChatHistory object whose title is "Welcome to the RFA!". The label you need to put the chatroom in is called day_1_chatroom_1 (so, somewhere in your program you should have

label day_1_chatroom_1:
    call chat_begin('earlyMorn')

etc). The chatroom triggers at 00:05, or 12:05 AM. The character s starts in the chatroom.

A chatroom with a plot branch following it may look like the following:

ChatHistory("Suspicious Happenings...", "day_7_chatroom_8", "19:32", [ja, z], save_img='z', plot_branch=PlotBranch(True))

This defines a ChatHistory object whose title is "Suspicious Happenings...", found at the label day_7_chatroom_8. It triggers at 19:32, or 7:32 PM. The characters ja and z begin in this chatroom. The save image for this chatroom is 'z'. There is a plot branch after this chatroom, and a VN associated with this chatroom. This VN should only be shown to the player if they successfully pass the plot branch and continue on the main path (Hence plot_branch=PlotBranch(True) rather than just plot_branch=PlotBranch()).

All in all, a full route definition may look like the following:

default bob_good_end = ["Good End",
        [ChatHistory('Welcome!', 'day_1_chatroom_1', '00:01'),
        ChatHistory('Relaxing','day_1_chatroom_2', '09:11', [z, b]),
        ChatHistory('How are you doing?', 'day_1_chatroom_3', '09:53', [r]),
        ChatHistory('Something strange...', 'day_1_chatroom_4', '11:28', [s]),
        ChatHistory('Do you...?', 'day_1_chatroom_5', '15:05', [b]),
        ChatHistory('Kimchi Sandwich', 'day_1_chatroom_6', '18:25', [b, ja]),
        ChatHistory('Very mysterious', 'day_1_chatroom_7', '20:41'),
        ChatHistory('Will you visit?', 'day_1_chatroom_8', '22:44', [b], plot_branch=PlotBranch(True)),
        ChatHistory("Happily Ever After", 'day_1_chatroom_9', '23:26')
    RouteDay('2nd', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('3rd', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('4th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('5th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('6th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('7th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('8th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('9th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('10th', [ChatHistory(...)]),
    RouteDay('Final', [ChatHistory(...)])]

Note that [ChatHistory(...)] is shorthand for a list of many more ChatHistory objects.

Defining a Branching Path

When defining a branching path for a route, you can begin the RouteDay definitions from the day you want to branch onto e.g.

default bob_bad_end_1 = ["Bad End 1",
        [ChatHistory("Everything is going wrong", 'day_6_chatroom_6b', '19:02', [b]),
        ChatHistory("The End", 'day_6_chatroom_7b', '21:13')]

When merging paths, the program will insert these chatrooms at the appropriate time on the 6th day, as specified.

Story Mode (VN) Sections and Plot Branches

If you would like to have a VN mode section immediately available after the plot branch is proceeded through, your RouteDay definition will need the branch_vn argument. An example of this can be seen in route_setup.rpy in the definition for tutorial_bre. This only applies to "branch" definitions; the main path will instead need the argument plot_branch=PlotBranch(True) on the appropriate ChatHistory object.

For example, when the player merges on to this branch, the VN found at label bob_bad_end_vn_1 will be immediately available beneath the chatroom that preceeded the plot branch.

default bob_bad_end_1 = ["Bad End 1",
        [ChatHistory("Everything is going wrong", 'day_6_chatroom_6b', '19:02', [b]),
        ChatHistory("The End", 'day_6_chatroom_7b', '21:13')],

So, the order the player will play through the story is:

  1. Proceed through the plot branch (which puts them onto the Bad End 1)
  2. Play the VN section found at bob_bad_end_vn_1.
  3. Play the chatroom titled "Everything is going wrong".
  4. Play the chatroom "The End"

Displaying a Route in the History Screen

In order for the route to show up in the History screen, you also need to define a Route object. Do this after you have set up the variables for all the different endings/branches of the route itself.

default_branch, branch_list=[], route_history_title="Common", has_end_title=True

These fields are explained below.

Field Description Example
default_branch The "default" path for this route to take. This should be the longest path from start to finish, and may not necessarily be the "good" end. bob_good_end
branch_list A list of all the other paths this route can take. Typically includes all the bad, normal, bad relationship ends, etc. May also be empty, if this route does not branch. [ bob_bad_end_1, bob_bad_end_2, bob_normal_end ]
route_history_title How this route should show up in the History screen e.g. "Bob Route" or "Common Route". "Route" is automatically appended to this title. "Bob"
has_end_title True if this route has a "title" at the beginning of its definition e.g. default bob_good_end = ["Good End", RouteDay('1st', (...) has the end title "Good End". By default, if this route has no branching paths this variable will be False, and True if there are branching paths. True

Therefore a Route definition for a special New Year's Eve route with endings for each of the characters as well as a normal ending might look like so:

default new_years_route = Route(
    branch_list=[new_years_ju, new_years_ja,
        new_years_s, new_years_y, new_years_z],
    route_history_title="New Year's"

You can see some additonal example definitions at the bottom of route_setup.rpy.

Accessing your Route In-Game

To play your route, you need to modify the route select screen. A custom screen is defined for this purpose.

In screens_custom_route_select.rpy modify action Start() so to action Start("your_intro_label") where your_intro_label is the name of the label where the introduction is. See Creating an Opening Chatroom for more on creating a route introduction.

For example, for the "New Year's Route" defined above, the custom route select screen may look like:

screen custom_route_select_screen():
        style 'route_select_vbox'
            style 'route_select_button'
            action Start("new_years_prologue")
            text "Start Game" style 'menu_text_small' align (0.5, 0.5)

And then you will have an introductory label like:

label new_years_prologue():
    $ new_route_setup(route=new_years_route, chatroom_label='new_years_prologue')

which will set up the program with your desired route.

Managing Multiple Routes

You can also customize the route select screen to have multiple buttons, one for each route.

For this example, two buttons will be defined for two routes, one called deep_story and one called another_story.

In the introductory label for each story, you may need to re-define the character_list and heart_point_chars variables so they display the correct characters. An example follows:

label deep_route_start:
    $ new_route_setup(route=deep_story_end, chatroom_label='deep_story_start', participants=[ja, ju, z, y, s])
    $ character_list = [ju, z, s, y, ja, m]
    $ heart_point_chars = [ju, z, s, y, ja]
    # Write your introductory chatroom here

# The following label is optional for text messages, voicemail, etc
label after_deep_story_start:
    # Optional things here

label another_story_start:
    $ new_route_setup(route=another_story_end, chatroom_label='another_story_start', participants=[ja, ju, z, y, s, v])
    $ character_list = [ju, z, s, y, ja, v, r, m]
    $ heart_point_chars = [ju, z, s, y, ja, v, r]
    # Write your introductory chatroom here

# The following label is optional for text messages, voicemail, etc
label after_another_story_start:
    # Optional things here

The main difference is that another_story includes the characters r and v, while deep_route does not. When the player begins playing the route, explicitly setting character_list and heart_point_chars ensures the correct profiles are shown on the chat home screen and that the player can see how many heart points they have with the relevant characters.

Similarly, writing chatroom_label='deep_story_start' as an argument to new_route_setup allows you to use the label after_deep_story_start to put any text messages, voicemail changes, spaceship thoughts, etc.

Playing Your Route

To play your new route, re-launch the program and select Start Over from the Settings screen, then Original Story to test out your new route.