Terascala Object Storage Targets - shawfdong/hyades GitHub Wiki

In the Terascala Lustre Storage, each pair of Object Storage Servers redundantly attaches to a pair of Dell MD3220 Storage Arrays[1]:

and each MD3220 Storage Array redundantly attaches to a Dell MD1200 Storage Array, for storage expansion:

There are 2 active/active RAID controllers on each MD3220 Storage Array. Each controller is equipped with four 6Gb SAS ports, and one Ethernet port for LAN out-of-band management:

hostname Description IP Address
hss3-osts-01-a.A top Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #1
hss3-osts-01-a.B bottom Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #1
hss3-osts-01-b.A top Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #2
hss3-osts-01-b.B bottom Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #2
hss3-osts-02-a.A top Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #3
hss3-osts-02-a.B bottom Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #3
hss3-osts-02-b.A top Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #4
hss3-osts-02-b.B bottom Ethernet port of Object Storage Target MD3220 #4

We can get a summary report of, e.g., the first Object Storage Target MD3220 Storage Array, using the Dell PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Arrays CLI tool SMcli[2]:

# /opt/dell/mdstoragemanager/client/SMcli hss3-osts-01-a.A hss3-osts-01-a.B \
    -S -quick -c "show storageArray summary;"
Note that here we specify both hostnames of two management ports for redundancy. It is not necessary to specify both; using just one hostname or IP will work too.

There are 12x 3.5" 2TB 7200rpm SAS drives in the MD3220 enclosure and 12x more 3.5" 2TB 7200rpm SAS drives in the attached MD1200 enclosure, as reported by:

# SMcli hss3-osts-01-a.A hss3-osts-01-a.B -S -quick -c "show allPhysicalDisks;"

The 24 drives are divided into 4 disk groups (A disk group is a set of physical disks that the controller logically groups together to provide one or more virtual disks to a host); a RAID-5 virtual disk (volume) is created on each disk group:

# SMcli hss3-osts-01-a.A hss3-osts-01-a.B -S -quick -c "show allVirtualDisks;"
   Number of standard virtual disks: 4

   Name     Thin Provisioned     Status     Capacity      Accessible by     Source               
   OST_0    No                   Optimal    9,312.578 GB  Host Group HG1    Disk Group DG_OST_0  
   OST_1    No                   Optimal    9,312.578 GB  Host Group HG1    Disk Group DG_OST_1  
   OST_2    No                   Optimal    9,312.578 GB  Host Group HG1    Disk Group DG_OST_2  
   OST_3    No                   Optimal    9,312.578 GB  Host Group HG1    Disk Group DG_OST_3  

# SMcli hss3-osts-01-a.A hss3-osts-01-a.B -S -quick -c "show diskGroup [DG_OST_3];"
   Name:              DG_OST_3                          
      Status:         Optimal                           
      Capacity:       9,312.578 GB                      
      Current owner:  RAID Controller Module in slot 1  

      Data Service (DS) Attributes

         RAID level:                    5                           
         Physical Disk media type:      Physical Disk               
         Physical Disk interface type:  Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)  
         Enclosure loss protection:     No                          
         Secure Capable:                No                          
         Secure:                        No                          

      Total Virtual Disks:          1         
         Standard virtual disks:    1         
         Repository virtual disks:  0         
         Free Capacity:             0.000 MB  

      Associated physical disks - present (in piece order)
      Total physical disks present: 6

         Enclosure     Slot  
         1             6     
         1             7     
         1             8     
         1             9     
         1             10    
         1             11    

Note here Enclosure 0 is MD3220 and Enclosure 1 is the attached MD1200.

See Also


  1. ^ DELL PowerVault MD3200/MD3220 Series of Storage Arrays
  2. ^ Dell PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Arrays CLI Guide
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