Instructions for swapping the control board - sci-bots/dropbot-v3 GitHub Wiki

Warning! Make sure that you unplug the USB and power cables from the DropBot before opening the case.

  1. Remove the 4 screws in the corners of the lid and detach the lid from the case.

Open the case

  1. Remove the 2 screws holding the control board in place.

Remove the control board

  1. Remove the control board and swap in the replacement. Note that you will need to swap the USB jumper cable to the new control board.
  2. Replace the 2 screws from Step 2.
  3. Re-attach the case lid and replace the 4 screws from Step 1.
  4. (optional) Connect the DropBot and manually flash firmware compatible with installed version of MicroDrop from the Windows Start menu:
    Manually flash DropBot firmware
  5. Try running the on-board hardware diagnostics.