Sauter Git Workflow Prepare a release for the Quality Assurance dept. - sauter-hq/git-guidelines GitHub Wiki

To get the Quality Assurance dept. test your work, you have to release a version from all your feature and the develop branches. This should be done as it follows :


  • Checkout branch develop first, otherwise you won't be able to create a new release.

  • Click on the Git Flow button.

  • Choose the Git Flow action : Start New Release

    Start a new Release

  • Give the release a name corresponding to the release version ( e.g. v3.2 )

    Give a name to the release you are creating

  • Git Flow automatically checks out the freshly created release branch ( e.g. release/v3.2 )

  • Tag the version by clicking on the Tag button, give it a relevant name corresponding exactly to the version you are releasing ( e.g. v3.2.0.8-RC1 ).

    Tag the version you created

  • Push the tags and the release branch.

    Push the release branch and the related tags
    Again its better to use the context menu of the branch to get the right selection marked by default

  • You will find the new tag in github:

    New Tag in Github

Command Line

  • Checkout branch develop first, otherwise you won't be able to create a new release.

    git checkout develop
  • Start a new release with git flow. You have to provide a name ( e.g. v3.2 ).

    git flow release start v3.2
    Switched to a new branch 'release/v3.2'
    Summary of actions:
    - A new branch 'release/v3.2' was created, based on 'develop'
    - You are now on branch 'release/v3.2'
    Follow-up actions:
    - Bump the version number now!
    - Start committing last-minute fixes in preparing your release
    - When done, run:
         git flow release finish 'v3.2'
  • Here you could make specific per-release for qs departments fixes, which can be merged back in the development branch when a release is finished. This is useful when you have people working on another future versions in develop.

  • Tag the version by running git tag exact-version-name. Give it a relevant name to specifically designate the version you are releasing ( e.g. v3.2.0.8-RC1 ).

  • Now push the tags and the release branch

    git push origin release/v3.2
    git push origin --tags
  • You will find the new tag in github:

    New Tag in Github