Advanced_Install - saint-lascivious/munin-pihole-plugins GitHub Wiki

Advanced Install

  • Usage: munin-pihole-plugins {--install [PARAMETER]}
Option GNU long option Function
-i, install --install Install munin-pihole-plugins

Install and configure Munin monitoring server software (default: true), client software (default: true), selected munin-pihole-plugins plugins (default: all) and install a copy of the munin-pihole-plugins script (default: true) to a selected directory (default: /usr/local/bin).

The munin-pihole-plugins script will self update (default: true) before install if a newer version of the munin-pihole-plugins script is available.

You can run the installation again at any time afterwards to update the munin-pihole-plugins script and plugins, optionally selecting which plugins to install using the PLUGIN_LIST variable.

Takes an optional parameter to install just that component.

Optional Install Parameter GNU long option Function
-p, plugins --plugins Install and configure munin-node, and munin-pihole-plugins plugins
-P, plugins-only --plugins-only As above, skipping dependency satisfaction
-s, script --script Install the munin-pihole-plugins script
-S, script-only --script-only As above, skipping dependency satisfaction
-w, webserver --webserver Install and configure munin, lighttpd and lighttpd-external-munin-proxy
-W, webserver-only --webserver-only As above, skipping dependency satisfaction

Example: munin-pihole-plugins --install --plugins