Mod Creation_Updating Your Mods for SotV - risk-of-thunder/R2Wiki GitHub Wiki

Updating Your Mods for SotV

This page is a repository of information detailing information that is useful for developers updating mods. (Source: ROR2 Modding Discord, #development, "Modders Need to know" thread)


  • Survivors need to have SurvivorDef.cachedName set before contentpack loading starts for eclipse tracking to work properly


  • R2API is receiving updates to function with the changes to RoR2's assembly structure and content loading system
  • R2API lost the following APIs: BuffAPI, BuffAPI, EffectAPI, FontAPI, ProjectileAPI, ResourcesAPI (and its Providers), and SurvivorAPI, and ItemDropAPI.
    • Most of these APIs have been moved to R2API.ContentAdditon, and ItemDropAPI has been (mostly) replaced by RoR2.Run.
  • (Enable/Disable)Pickup (this might get a small addition to ItemAPI later on that would allow you to enable/disable for all runs, but that won't be in the initial 4.0.0 release) Most of these APIs were already marked as obsolete and had their functionality moved elsewhere
  • SoundAPI has been affected but only the method for adding networksoundevents, since its been replaced by content addition

Loading Assets

  • The games asset resources are now accessible using Addressables.
    • The old method of Resources.Load will work once the RoR2 BepInEx package has been updated to re-route Resources.Load calls to the LegacyResourcesAPI provided by HG
  • The Shader.Find() is replaced by the LegacyShaderAPI.Find() call in order to easily find shaders in their new homes, using the old paths
  • If you want to migrate your code, you can use LegacyResourcesAPI directly before Bepinex is updated by calling RoR2.LegacyResourcesAPI.Load instead, you will need to reference the LegacyResourcesAPI.dll to do so
    • Alternatively you can update your code to use addressables, like follows Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<GameObject>(key: "RoR2/Base/WarCryOnMultiKill/WarCryEffect.prefab").WaitForCompletion()


  • Code from Assembly-CSharp.dll has been moved mostly to RoR2.DLL
  • If you're using NetworkBehavior, you will now need to reference com.unity.multiplayer-hlapi.Runtime.dll
  • RoR2 is now on Unity 2019.4.26, if you use the Editor you will need to update to 2019.4.26
  • If you use CharacterMotor, you will now need to reference KinematicCharacterController.dll
  • The version of PostProcessing package RoR2 uses is version 2.3.0
  • The class GameNetworkManager has been renamed to NetworkManagerSystem
  • Unfinished content, such as Wicked Ring or Ancestral Incubator are now in the class JunkContent instead of RoR2Content
  • Wwise got updated to version 2019.2.12.7544


When writing new code to load assets from RoR2, we can now use Addressables, The following example shows how you can assign a material from a provided address (labeled Key in the code) to a MeshRenderer.

Click to expand!
public class AddressableLoader : MonoBehaviour
    public static string[] AvailableKeys;
    public string Key;
    private string LastKey;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Update()
        if (LastKey == Key) return;
        LastKey = Key;
        var materialOp = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Material>(Key);
        materialOp.Completed += MaterialOp_Completed;
    void MaterialOp_Completed(AsyncOperationHandle<Material> obj)
        var material = obj.Result;
        var renderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        if (renderer && material)
            renderer.material = material;

Changing the Camera

Changes to ideallocalcamerapos now have to go through a handle and request like

Click to expand!
private CameraTargetParams.CameraParamsOverrideHandle handle;

public override void FixedUpdate()

    CameraTargetParams ctp = base.cameraTargetParams;
    CharacterCameraParamsData characterCameraParamsData = ctp.currentCameraParamsData;
    float denom = (1 + Time.fixedTime - this.initialTime);
    float smoothFactor = 8 / Mathf.Pow(denom, 2);
    Vector3 smoothVector = new Vector3(-3 / 20, 1 / 16, -1);
    characterCameraParamsData.idealLocalCameraPos = CameraPosition + smoothFactor * smoothVector;

    CameraTargetParams.CameraParamsOverrideRequest request = new CameraTargetParams.CameraParamsOverrideRequest
        cameraParamsData = characterCameraParamsData,
        priority = 0,
    handle = ctp.AddParamsOverride(request);


Click to Expand! ```csharp public BlendableFloat minPitch; public BlendableFloat maxPitch; public BlendableFloat wallCushion; public BlendableFloat pivotVerticalOffset; public BlendableVector3 idealLocalCameraPos; public BlendableFloat fov; public BlendableBool isFirstPerson; ```


CharacterBody.defaultCrosshairPrefab is now readonly; simple fix is to change body.defaultCrosshairPrefab = crosshairPrefab to body._defaultCrosshairPrefab = crosshairPrefab , 'improper' because that property is readonly and you technically aren't supposed to be changing it so your mileage may vary on side effects. proper fix using the new system is RoR2.UI.CrosshairUtils.RequestOverrideForBody(body,crosshairPrefab,RoR2.UI.CrosshairUtils.OverridePriority.Sprint);

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